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Sunday 7 February 2016

Pallid Harrier at Roydon Common NWT!

Spent far too much of my weekend finding and buying presents for my Mother and Lucy, who's birthdays are next week. I treated the car to a valet and had it checked over at the Skoda garage on Saturday – saw my old car for sale on the forecourt! I spent a long time in the mobility shop in King's Lynn, deciding which reclining chair would be the best one for father – staff will bring two or three chairs out this month to trial which one is best. Father's current chair is rubbish and is affecting a pressure sore he has on his hip.

Several Turnstones, 1 Redshank, Mallards, Herring and Black-headed Gulls at the Docks in King's Lynn, but no sign of the Iceland Gull or Peregrines today.

I was really surprised at how many birders were at Roydon Common this afternoon. I bumped into Eddie M. and Simon a bit later on who had counted 75 people!!! Good, but distant views of the Pallid Harrier along with two Hen Harriers. I also had two Woodcocks fly over my head, as I walked back to the car. Very, very cold and windy.

Visted my parents for the rest of the evening. Father looked fatigued and very fed-up. I helped him with his tea – one of Vivien's cheese scones, along with a banana and a cup of coffee. Mother looked worn out.

Very strong winds as I drove home, I could feel the car being pushed sideways a couple of times!

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