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Sunday 24 April 2016

Snettisham Coastal Park!

The weekend has been pretty dire all round. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings taken up with parents. I won't even go into the disgusting service from Social Services – you wouldn't believe me if I told you the stuff that's gone on recently. Saturday up late with exhaustion and then visited another care home. Spent rest of time at parents and fell asleep whilst there. Worked all day today.

After work I visited Snettisham Coastal Park, hoping to find my own Wryneck. It was FREEZING cold! Wore waterproof trousers on top of my trousers to keep warm, coat and gloves etc! I only saw a handful of birds in these bitterly cold North West winds. A few Goldfinches, Sedge Warbler singing briefly, Cetti's Warbler, Black Birds and Chaffinches. No sign of any Wheatears or anything else on the large expanse of short turf. The only highlight was my first Cuckoo of the Spring calling, when I returned to my car.

Had to go to my parent's to help again this evening. Mother had had another night of no sleep last night. It was a dreadful evening and I broke down in tears – long story, can't go into it all now.

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