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Sunday 19 June 2016

Father's Day!

10 minutes that Great Knot showed for yesterday and today whilst I was at work, it was watched ALL bl**dy day long!!!

Finished work at 4.30pm. Flew home, picked Lucy up and whizzed over to visit Father in Heacham – he looked tired, but at least he wasn't shouting this time and was fairly calm. Lucy and I adorned him with chocolates and cards and then I told him all about the Great Knot and the Pacific Golden Plover at Titchwell RSPB, which he seemed interested in – he appeared to be interested, anyway! Just after 7pm, he said he wanted to go to bed, so Lucy and I took him upstairs in his wheelchair (via the lift) and I got him changed into pyjamas and stern transferred him into bed, into a perfect and comfortable position. He looked so cosy and relaxed and thanked me for helping him. Lucy and I kissed him good night and left. Lucy got upset and then so did I – its heartbreaking to know he won't ever be back at home with Mother again – so upsetting for us all.

Lucy and I visited Mother for a short while – she's still not sleeping properly and looks extremely tired. Lucy and I then returned home to King's Lynn. Shattered after a heavy weekend!

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