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Tuesday 28 February 2017

New Hair Style!

I have had my hair appointment booked for the last three months and even though I didn't feel like going at all, I decided not to cancel it, especially when it needs tidying up before the funeral. I was in the hairdressers from 4.40pm until 8pm! Here are the before and after pictures. Good job my make-up free, tired, sad face was not showing!

Before I had it cut – washed but unstyled!
After – below!
New graduated lob hair cut, blonder and feels tons lighter!
By Beth at The Studio Hair Company, King's Lynn

I was really pleased when it was done, but the only problem is that will take a while to look how I want it to, as now have a side parting and need to grow my fringe out completely so its all one length, which could take a while! It won't look like this normally either, as Beth spent ages tonging my hair into waves and I can't be doing with all that faffing about! I was going to have it cut shorter than this to just below my chin, but decided that would not be a good idea at the moment if I didn't like it, as this would just add to the sadness and stress! I will get it cut a little shorter into a 'bob', when I've lost a load of weight and feeling better about life and all that jazz!

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