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Thursday 11 May 2017

Mother, Father & The Cat!

I've been a very busy bee this evening. Picked my mother up from her hospital appointment after I finished work. Went to Hunstanton to buy one portion of fish 'n' chips for us to share, which we ate back at Holme. Half an hour later I took mother to have her hair cut at an lovely hairdressers in Old Hunstanton at 6.30pm, then dropped mother back at home.

I then spent some time sitting, thinking, pondering and talking to my father at his final resting place. My eyes filled with tears and I got myself into a real state – I felt so sad. Death is so final – nothing is left apart from memories. Memories that you desperately try and bring to life, but they are never close enough – only a vision that is out of reach. It was a beautiful evening as the sun set – I composed myself and returned to spend the rest of the evening with mother.

So, it was time for me to administer Frontline Flea Treatment to the cat! Those last four weeks disappeared quickly – got the dose ready, found the cat upstairs, who saw me coming and shot under the spare bed like grease lightening. I crouched down to look under the bed and found a smug looking cat – moments later the cat was most annoyed to find a walking stick coming under the bed to force her out!!! Cat flies into the bathroom – I shut the door and administer treatment to a very mobile p*ssed off cat, but I got the job done with no lacerations! The cat then bolts downstairs to sulk under a table.

Helped mother sort out some paperwork, got the washing in off the line, made coffee and sat down for a bit, then left to return to King's Lynn.

I'm on holiday again next week! But, I'm working this Sunday – no doubt that will be the only good day for birds! Hairdressers on Tuesday, garden to sort out, fence panel to get mended and rare birds to find!

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