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Thursday 17 August 2017

Salthouse & Cley NWT!

Shopping in Holt for funky sandals – mission accomplished! Forgot my cool bag – never done this before – must be dementia setting in...... left it in the kitchen containing my bottle of water, sandwiches, oats, soya yoghurt and raspberries, grapes and rice milk for my coffee! So with no water or tea, I nipped into Budgens in Holt for supplies.

No sign of the Glossy Ibis north of the duck pond! A beautiful walk to Gramborough Hill at Salthouse produced a single male Stonechat and a stunning adult Hobby flew west over my head. Some lovely Parasol mushrooms were at the base of the bushes, but no rares to be found here! Several Sand Martins graced the cloudless blue skies. An obliging young Little Egret posed for photos in the ditch at the end of Beach Road, by the parked cars and a young Pied Wagtail was having a splash in a puddle by the side of the road.

Researched for the Glossy Ibis – failed again. With a tip off about an obliging Water Vole I headed to the NWT hides at Cley – failed at this too! Saw a Caspian Gull through Eddie's scope in Daukes' Hide – several birders gull watching.

Headed west and popped in to visit Mother, whom I have not seen for a while. Deflead the cat who did not expect me – the cat's usual reaction was very slow in coming, lucky me!

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