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Friday 1 June 2018

Bird Party At Kelling Water Meadows!

I had some time out for me this afternoon and managed to see a few good birds. I popped into CleySpy briefly and then headed to Kelling Water Meadows. I parked up along the road by the tea shop – it was packed with cars! The walk down to the Quags was lovely and everything looked extra green – it felt good to be out and I heard a Blackcap and a Whitethroat on route. It took ages to get a nano second glimpse of the Red-spotted Bluethroat! Anyone hoping to get a photograph tomorrow – good luck with that! You'll be lucky to see it, never mind photograph it! Its favoured spot is around the right hand bend, just by the pool and then view the ditch that runs north by the old gate – every now and again it flicks up from the small area of reeds and up to the bank and skulks in the vegetation for ages and vice versa. I saw it maybe three or four times altogether – each view for seconds only. There was also a Reed Warbler in the same patch of reeds and a Reed Bunting close by.

I had wonderful views of both male and female Red-backed Shrikes, the female was catching bees along the fence line that runs east, further along the track and the male was perched on a bramble on the far side of the pool. I don't know if either shrikes knew each other was there or not! A Barn Owl was also seen over the field, just before I walked back along the track – it was a beautiful evening.

I headed west along the A149 to spend the next few days with my mother. I still can't believe I am typing this up at Holme! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.

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