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Monday 13 August 2018

Funeral Arrangements

The funeral will be on Thursday 30th August at 10.45am at Mintlyn Crematorium, King's Lynn for anyone that would like to join us. We have no other details so far – lots of decisions to make this week. Vivien and I were really pleased that Lucy bravely decided to come to Holme today as she has not been here since mother died – Vivien drove to pick her up this morning and I took her back home this evening. Lucy did really well and it definitely helped her psychologically that I had transformed the dining room and she even played the piano for a short while.

Funeral discussions at 2pm with a lady from John Lincoln and after she left, Vivien, Lucy and I listened to music that mother had chosen and also to a piece that Lucy suggested. We have now sorted all the music, but two of the three pieces that mother had chosen are far too long, so will have to be shortened. Lots of tears from us all, whilst listening to the music – so difficult, so emotional.

Vivien and I started to make some of the many important phone calls we have to make. I packed up the Careline kit to post back to the council. We all feel exhausted and decided it must be part of the grieving process. The cat is looking incredibly healthy – no signs of failing health, must be all the Sainsbury's mature cheddar it has on a daily basis! I picked up some post from my house this evening after I dropped Lucy home. I received a very touching condolence letter from my boss, which was very nice of him indeed and much appreciated. The cards continue to arrive daily and are extremely comforting to us all – thank you all so much. Lucy ate Cilla's home baked raspberry and coconut slice today and she described it as 'lovely' – must have been good as Cilla baked that a good few days ago!

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