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Friday 15 February 2019

A&E Update!

Good job I went to A&E to have X-Rays as have a possible scaphoid fracture (right wrist) which I was given a splint for and have to go back for a second x-ray and appt at fracture clinic in 10 days time. Sprained left ankle and they dressed my knee and assessed my forehead. I was very lucky as the wait time was very short. Arrived back home at about 12.30am.

Today (Friday) is incredibly frustrating trying to do everything with one hand. Wrist remains very painful, but ankle is better than I thought it would be. As a fast touch typist, typing with one hand is testing my patience to the limit! Now TalkTalk emails (send and receive) have gone down since mid morning, which doesn't help with final amendments to house brochure etc!

Very, very fed-up – all this beautiful weather and I'm stuck indoors – miserable. I suppose it could have been far worse had my forehead taken the biggest impact rather than my wrist – if I had knocked myself unconscious I would have been there all night and carted off to the undertakers this morning!!! My pain in my wrist is worse today even on pain relief.

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