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Monday 15 April 2019

Ringstead Downs NWT!

I went in search of Ring Ouzels after work this evening – two were reported yesterday, so felt I was in with a good chance. Ringstead Downs is an excellent spot to find Ring Ouzels and I have seen them here many times throughout the years, since childhood. There are Belgian Blue Cattle grazing here, so if you bring a dog, it must be on a lead at all times. I was extremely impressed with the total lack of dog excrement here – I didn't see any at all, not even in the picnic area! Obviously all the dog owners here are responsible and caring.

It was a beautiful evening walk and I had a nice selection of birds, but sadly no Ring Ouzels. I had a cracking view of a Common Buzzard sitting in a tree close to the path, which a Blackbird was mobbing – it had presumed I hadn't seen it, but when I got the camera out and managed to get an out of focus shot, it flew off! Other birds seen: Chiffchaffs, Blackcap (singing), Goldcrests, Great Tits, Blue Tits, Robins, Blackbirds, Hedge Sparrows, Chaffinches, 3 Mistle Thrushes, Red-legged Partridges, Rooks, Jackdaws, Starlings, and a Kestrel hovering.

There is a beautiful display of cowslips in the picnic area. I might visit this tranquil site at dawn one morning over the Easter break, should be in with better chance of seeing Ring Ouzels early morning, well hopefully anyway.

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