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Tuesday 30 July 2019

Gramborough Hill, and Cley NWT!

Monday 29th July
I had to deliver stuff to our family solicitors in Wells after work this evening, so took the opportunity to get some birding in whilst along the coast. I stopped to pick up some fish 'n' chips for my tea, but sadly this was not possible, as the queues along the quayside were insane! So had to make do with some emergency supplies from the local supermarket!

Gramborough Hill, Salthouse!
Tons of Gatekeeper Butterflies everywhere, have never seen so many, also big numbers of Painted Ladies, Peacock and Red Admiral on the buddleia bushes at the hill. I also saw an Emperor Dragonfly here. Little Ringed Plover, 4 juvs. and a Black-headed Gull were on the remains of the pool, just west of the hill. Meadow Pipits, Sand Martins and House Martins also seen, but no other birds of note. Sat on top of the hill to enjoy the view for a while, whilst listening to Sandwich Terns flying past on the shingle beach.

Daukes' Hide, Cley NWT
Wood Sandpipers x 23, Arctic Terns x 5, Greenshanks x 2, Water Rail juv. x 1, Little Stint, Black-tailed Godwits, Avocets, tons of Black-headed Gulls, Teal, Mallards, Redshanks, Little Egret, Reed Warbler, Pied Wagtails, Dunlins, Shelducks, Sparrowhawk, Ruff, Starlings, Little Ringed Plovers x 6. A Migrant Hawker was emerging from underneath the hide flap in Teal Hide! As we walked back a Water Vole was feeding in the river under the bridge next to A149!

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