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Thursday 7 November 2019

Premimum Bond Win, Email Update & A Missed Opportunity!!!

FINALLY, after another long telephone call with TalkTalk this evening, my old email address is working again! I've had no emails since 15th October on [], but this evening almost a thousand flooded through! I will still use the new [] though. At least if I have two email accounts, I will always have at least one of them working!

I had some LOVELY surprises when I searched through tons of emails! I WON A PREMIUM BOND with my new recent investments!!! Only £25.00, but still fabulous and I'm going to thank my late dear father for that, as he invested all his spare money into bonds and always hoped for the big win one day, he regularly won small amounts, but never the big one. When I invested a large amount into bonds from my share of the family home, the first draw they went into was the 1st November and this was the day before my father's birthday, so I kind of saw that as a bit of luck and indeed it was!

I missed out on an invite to do a live broadcast on Radio Norfolk to talk about my 'life as a blogger' and 'how my love of birds came about'!!!!!!! It was for 4th November, so missed that! Would I have done that? Sounds exciting, but I don't think I have the confidence!

Had a new subscriber to my blog along with a lovely email, thank you! I now have seven subscribers to my blog and I would like to thank them very much for their long term support, they are:

Graham G., Terence B., Simon N., David D., Allan S., Gordon S., and Matthew W.

If you are one of the 4,000 readers (on average) of my blog who enjoy the free daily bird news and and would like to subscribe, please scroll down on the right hand column of my blog to:
Later next year, one lucky subscriber's name will be drawn from a hat to win an exclusive bird related prize!

You need to have subscribed for a minimum of six months before being entered for the prize.

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