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Saturday 8 February 2020

Feeling Very Unwell

I nearly didn't do the bird news just now, as I feel very unwell indeed. I woke up this morning with a cold virus, but forced myself to go to Cambridge on the train to buy Lucy's birthday present (birthday on Monday), which was a new music stand as her stand had broken. There are no music shops in King's Lynn now (there used to be). On the way home on the train I felt very ill, in fact it was a very frightening experience when you are on your own. I came over really faint and almost blacked out – I could feel myself going – everything started to go dark and then I didn't. Straight away I felt really clammy and like I couldn't breathe. My stomach kept going into little spasms of pain and I remained feeling light headed throughout the journey and this evening. I was screaming to get off that train, I needed air desperately and I felt like being sick. When I got off the train in King's Lynn, I couldn't walk as I felt so wobbly, so sat on a seat whilst everyone rushed passed past me – I did tell train staff by the ticket machine in case I collapsed, but they didn't really respond. I managed to drive home and collapsed on the sofa. All my fingers turned white and cold with pins and needles – which did disappear eventually after a long time. I have remained feel light headed for the rest of the evening with stomach pains and have not wanted to eat at all. I had severe acid reflux, which is normally controlled by my Lanzoprazole, but it was having no effect whatsoever. I have just been drinking a lot of water. Good night.

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