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Monday 24 May 2021

Sunday Birding

I did go birding yesterday, but not much to write about really. Quick summary – was going to Holme but changed my mind at the last second and ended up at Cley. Tons of Swifts over the East Bank, but no white rumps.

Had some amusing banter at Walsey Hills with Emma, Callum, John F. and Ian. BBC Radio Norfolk were about to arrive for their second clue of Treasure Quest (click on the 4th picture to see birders at Walsey Hills!) – I left before they arrived and walked along the East Bank and back, nothing of particular note seen.

Walked along the Iron Road and found a Common Sandpiper in the furthest pool on the west side. Headed to Kelling Water Meadows. Parked up, had lunch and then changed my mind about walking to the water meadows after seeing far too many dogs being walked down there!

Spent a long time at Gramborough Hill and saw 2 Turnstones, a Ringed Plover, Wheatear and a Redshank in the pool just west of the hill. After patiently sitting by the scrub on the hill, only a Blackbird and 2 Linnets revealed themselves. Left the area and headed west along the coast road.

Wherever I stopped to go birding on route, there seemed to be too many people. Last stop was the coach turning area at Titchwell RSPB where I threw down some bird seed and my now old, but still edible home made Christmas fruit cake, which delighted several Blackbirds! Blackcap, Robin and Hedge Sparrow seen here. Drove home via Ringstead.

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