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Tuesday 21 September 2021

Last Busy Day of My "Holiday"!

With traffic, it took me a laborious two hours to get to the Royal Papworth Hospital in Cambridge and the postcode does not work in any sat nav! So, after arriving at Addenbrookes, it took another 15 minutes or so to find Papworth – not an easy place to find at all. I was told that everyone complains about this, but nothing has been sorted re the postcode. This appointment took up most of the last day of my holiday.

Yesterday I successfully updated the OS system on both the Mac and Macbook Pro laptop! This evening I completed the new router installation with no issues, which I couldn't quite believe! I didn't need to ring TalkTalk, what a relief! I still need to ring an Apple Technician re assisting to make everything on my laptop the same as the Mac, so will do that later this week.

I rang NorthLink ferries yesterday for Covid advice/rules etc and decided to book a cabin for both the outward and return journey. I didn't want to do this, but realised I needed to. You have to wear a mask for the entire 14 hour journey if you don't have a cabin and also you are not allowed to doze on the floor anywhere on the ferry at all. I can't sleep sitting up, nor do I get on with the 'Pods' (chairs that recline back a long way, but not flat). If I hadn't booked a cabin, I would have been forced to stay seated in the recliner seat, that is allocated to you (free) and this lounge is not in a good place on the ferry if the weather is rough! The lady I spoke to at NorthLink was really helpful and after her advice, I requested a mid ferry cabin, so there is less roll! I was lucky to get a cabin so close to my departure!

This evening I spoke to the lady who's cottage I'm renting in Shetland, for a final update and queries! Can't believe how quickly the time has gone, since I booked!

Just registered and updated the latest maps etc onto the new Garmin Sat Nav and had dinner very late! I am desperate to go birding, can't believe I've hardly been out – mind you, I haven't missed much, yet! Back to work tomorrow.

One of my neighbour's sadly passed away today I was told, he lived opposite me and his wife died a few years ago – rest in peace Maurice.

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