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Tuesday 19 October 2021

SHETLAND TRIP – DAY 18: Easterlies, Rain, Fog & HUGE Fall of Migrants!

Burn of Sound, Lerwick

I was not very well last night at all and hardly slept because of it – this resulted in me sleeping over half the morning, which couldn't have happened on a worse day. My summary below is just for the afternoon and would have been a far more exciting selection, had I been out in the morning as well! Other birders had incredible numbers today, including Yellow-browed Warblers, Red-breasted Flycatcher, Ring Ouzels, Pallas's Warbler, Little Bunting, Common Rosefinch, Siberian Chiffchaff, Black Redstart, Goldcrests, Woodcock, Hawfinch, Lesser Whitethroat, Jack Snipe and thousands of Redwings, Blackbirds and Bramblings.

House Sparrows and Starlings feeding on the lawn

This afternoon, Levenwick produced several Redwings and Blackbirds in the fields by the beach, but nothing else of note, apart from the usual Starlings and House Sparrows. Parked at Gulberwick by the kirk and walked along the track south of there, following the burn and then had kind permission from the owner to have a look in what must be the best bird garden in Shetland! So much cover, so many bushes, plants, fir trees and all alongside a burn – I'd give the world to live there. I saw lots of Redwings and Blackbirds along the track and in the garden and along the burn, but nothing else more exciting seen sadly.

The Burn of Sound at Lerwick was also bursting with Redwings and Blackbirds and again nothing else. Wester Quarff gave the best selection and numbers, with at least 100+ Blackbirds on the slopes above the higher road, along with Redwings and 1 Fieldfare. At the end of the higher road, I saw 8 Bramblings in a bush by the verge, but they scattered and vanished after a car passed me, so no chance of photos. Along the lower road at Wester Quarff I had a Goldcrest in the bushes by the horses, on the corner after the first house and more Redwings and Blackbirds. Drove home in thick fog and its still foggy now late this evening. So, this must mean there will be thousands of migrants to see tomorrow in full daylight!!! Tomorrow could potentially be incredibly exciting!

Spent the evening, sorting and selecting pictures for the last few days, but ran out time to Photoshop them and add to the blog. Hopefully I will catch up with adding pictures over the next few days.

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