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Tuesday, 21 March 2023


  Hunstanton Cliffs this afternoon  


Its been a crazy few days to say the least! Last night and this morning I had to put the house in some kind of sorting order and tidiness for my first house viewings today. More trips to the tip and charity shops yesterday and last night I was out in the garden until dark, tidying etc. Scheduled the bread maker to produce a loaf of bread at 10am this morning, to make the house smell homely! Had to move loads of my parent's heavy book boxes around in living room for the Norfolk Hospice furniture removal team (their second trip to mine) who came this morning, to take away two armchairs and matching pouffe to sell in their shop – I won't have room for these in my new accommodation, so just bringing the two seater sofa with me, until I treat myself and buy new (for the first time in tons of years!) when I buy a new house in Shetland.

I was asked to vacate my house by the estate agents, as it "usually works better", so I escaped to the coast. I was exhausted and I would have been better off having a snooze in the car. First stop was dropping off a book called "Shetland (The island Series) by James R. Nicolson", which had been signed by RAR and very kindly lent to me by Paul Rooney (ex Titchwell RSPB warden) a long time ago, so glad I have returned it, before I escaped the county – another box ticked! Made some important phone calls and then went for a short walk at Holme NWT, but I could hardly put one foot in front of the other. I then went to Hunstanton for fish 'n' chip lunch and tea at around 4pm and the above picture was my view from the car! A beautiful warm day and so lovely to watch the Fulmar's cruising around the cliffs and several pairs were sitting on the ledges.

This evening I fell asleep completely and woke up at 8.30pm. Did some essential emails, including resigning another job contract, as now can't start until 8th May. Ian Reid removals couldn't move me on the date I requested, as they are extremely busy in April – all good now. My ferry and everything is booked etc! Just need to book a half sleep stop on route to Aberdeen.

I was extremely pleased to have eight booked house viewings today (one cancelled at the last minute) in 15 minute appointments! Also another four so far, booked for Saturday! Had three offers today..... won't discuss these yet! Back to work tomorrow.


I accepted an offer on my house! 😃

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