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Tuesday 4 April 2023

Mid Week Update & Birding!

Gramborough Hill, Salthouse


Busy, busy, busy! Yesterday I went to Picturecraft in Holt, to collect a large amount of RAR paintings, that belonged to my father and got re-framed – they were in a very poor state and now all looking fabulous! They were very kindly all bubble wrapped up for me, ready to move, which was very helpful indeed! I left some more pictures of my own to get re-framed – will collect these just before I move!

I then headed to Salthouse for some bird and sea therapy! I can't remember the last time I went birding or saw the sea. It felt so good to be out and to one of my favourite places, "John's hill", I mean Gramborough Hill! I have missed being out on the coast so much! It was a bitter East wind, but felt fantastic, only birds of note were a male Stonechat and a Wren in the scrub on the hill. A few Meadow Pipits around, a Black-headed Gull in Summer plumage on the pool and some Rooks were feeding on the marsh.

Went to Walsey Hills NOA, which was looking gloriously beautiful with all the yellow gorse and blackthorn out. Very busy with birds here, including Greenfinches, Goldfinches, Chaffinches, Hedge Sparrows, Robins, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Long-tailed Tits, Blackbirds, Wood Pigeons, Cetti's Warbler calling, Little Grebe on Snipe's Marsh.

Walsey Hills NOA


Today, I had to deliver tons of forms for my solicitors for the sale of my house and then after this, met up with Vivien and Lucy for lunch at Marriott's Warehouse, along the Quayside – the cost of eating out is seriously expensive now, our bill was huge! We choose here, as needed to sit outside somewhere, as poor Vivien is still very ill with a stinking cold and sore throat – her voice sounded awful! We had to meet up, as I might not see Vivien again for a long time, as she is going off on a trip with Ray for a few weeks – more on that story another time. It was weirdly very hot today, worrying that it was this hot in early April, not a good sign for the Summer, which is fine as I won't be here – far cooler in Shetland!

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