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Saturday 16 September 2023

Sun, Rainbows, Rain, A Shark, Dolphins & More!

Chatted with Malcolm on the phone this morning (see previous post) to see how he was coping and we had a long chat and reminisced about the 'old days', which probably did us both some good. Then phoned Pete Snook to wish him happy birthday – 21 again, like myself!

It was a stunning day of dramatic skies, which I so love about Shetland. Blue skies, dark clouds, white clouds, surreal rainbows and sprinkles of rain.

I could not refind the Wood Warbler at Boddam, but timed it perfectly when Hugh H. put out a message about a Basking Shark at Boddam, seen from the Croft Museum. I had fabulous scope views of not only the Basking Shark in perfect light – well, two fins being honest, but some White-beaked Dolphins leaping out of the water and also some Risso's Dolphins, WOW, spectacular to see all these and in under half an hour! Lucky me! I spotted a Lesser Whitethroat on a fence close by too and two Swallows flew over.

I left here and went for a scan over Boddam Voe, where the light was simply stunning. A Grey Heron was fishing and there were good numbers of waders here, including lots of Redshank, Ruff, Curlews, Turnstones etc.

Went to Quendale Mill and got very lucky with my first Yellow-browed Warbler of the Autumn (that someone else had found earlier) in the scyamores, but moving around far too quickly for any photos. Five Swallows around too, which was lovely to see. A tabby cat was sitting watching the ducks having a paddle in a large puddle – an amusing scene! Ravens calling, sun setting. Another wonderful day here in Shetland!




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