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Saturday, 23 March 2013

Lazy Birding!

I have had such a lazy day. It was so cozy in bed and I was exhausted from a very emotional week, both personally and at work. I crawled out of bed at 10am. By this time I had already received texts from ETM to say he had had an adult Med. Gull at Wiveton Stone Bridge and then another Med. Gull close by and then another to say he had seen an adult Little Gull close offshore at Coastguards, Cley along with a Common Scoter. Then a further text to say Ian Wallace was in the 'Beach Hotel' (Coastguards)!!! Text from A. Wilkinson to say he had seen a Glaucous Gull, 12 Little Gulls and 60 Kittewakes at Caister this morning.

Made some porridge with manuka honey. Topped up the bird tables with lots of goodies and cleaned the bird ponds out. A male blackbird sat on the bird table looking pretty fed-up, sheltering from the snow blizzard. I then spent loads of time trawling through websites for the cheapest car insurance. Can't believe I have had my car exactly a year this weekend! Phoned Skoda Insurance who I am currently with for a quote – you would have thought that it would have been cheaper than last year – I was quoted £525.05!!! Input all my details into and I eventually choose Moreth>n Insurance which was £193.34 for a year – quite a difference! Read the metres and phoned through to British Gas who informed me that my electric and gas was £418.00 for a a quarter – roll on summer! I immediately turned the thermastat from 17° to 15°. Flew into town to pay water rates etc at Barclays and missed the doors closing by 1 minute! Went into a cafe for brunch. Nipped into M&S to buy cake and choccies for a friend in hospital.

King's Lynn Docks – from the car!
Lesser-backed Blacked Gulls x 2 sitting on the fishing boats. Loads of Herring Gulls, Great Blacked-backed Gulls, Common Gulls, Black-headed Gulls in summer plumage (some), at least 50+ Turnstones, Redshanks x 3, loads of Mallards, Oystercatchers x 2 and best of all a pair of Goosanders!!! Peregrine on the tower.

Goosanders at Lynn Docks in the snow blizzard.

Snow Blizzard over Streep Lamp at the Docks, King's Lynn.

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