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Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Holme Reserves and Titchwell RSPB!

Snettisham Coastal Park

Monday 14th October
I had intended on going out birding all day yesterday, but felt incredibly fatigued. I did go out for a short while in the end, to Snettisham Coastal Park, just before dark, where I saw a few Blackbirds and Redwings. As the sun was setting, I had spectacular views of thousands upon thousands of Pink-footed Geese flying over in massive skeins over The Wash.


Holme Reserves
I searched hard to try and find my own birds today – a Pallas's Warbler would have been fabulous, but that wasn't to be. I started at Holme and searched all the scrub around the village car park and behind the back of the bungalows along the coastal footpath – shockingly, it was completely devoid of any birds.

Continued my search and on route to the NWT Forestry I found a Stonechat perched in the sueda and a Little Egret flew over. In the Forestry itself, I saw a Robin, 1 Blackbird, 1 Redwing and a Pheasant. Golden Plover and Starlings flew over and a few Curlew were on the marshes. Returned to my car and drove along the Firs Road and parked up in the NWT car park, next to the large sycamore tree. No birds seen here at all. I noticed the NOA has replaced the seat in the corner of the car park, which looks very nice. Walked along the path via the Firs House to the coastal footpath through the pines and found 1 Blue Tit only!

Walked through the gate to Holme Bird Observatory, where there were tons of duck on the Broadwater, mostly Wigeon and Teal, but also good numbers of Mallard, Gadwall, Shoveler, Tufted Duck and 2 Little Grebes. Chatted with Keith briefly (who was doing some maintenance work at NOA) and later on Gary Elton (A.W.). Paused to spend a few moments where my parent's ashes lie and then headed back to my car. Spent a few minutes in the hide at Redwell Marsh, but only saw a handful of Wigeon, Teal and a single Redshank – there were a couple of Mallards in the River Hun.

Titchwell RSPB
It was mid afternoon by the time I arrived and on hindsight, I wish I had come here this morning, as there were far more birds to see here, as is usually the case when Autumn migration has finished, which may well be now! Its quite shocking when you realise how quickly the months have disappeared – I didn't have time to go birding in Norfolk on the run up to Shetland and I have not been to Titchwell, since they have done their improvements to the reserve. I was very impressed to find they have new toilets and sink etc! They look absolutely fantastic and there are hooks on the back of the doors to hang you gear on, at last! My only criticism is having only one hand dryer and it doesn't dry your hands really at all, as another lady and I discussed! The best (and of course most expensive) public hand dryers are the Dyson ones, which are very quick indeed.

Said hello to Sue B. and also to Trever G. and bumped into several familiar faces, including some new blog readers – nice to meet you all. Had a lovely walk round the Meadow and Fen Trail – it was late in the day, so didn't see very much in this area, but plenty of duck on Patsy's Pool.

Along the main path, there were several Marsh Harriers over the reedbeds and a Great White Egret was in a new channel. New islands have been created on the freshwater marsh, which were all full of birds and look absolutely brilliant. Loads of Golden Plover, Lapwings, Starlings, Teal, Wigeon, Shelduck, Black-headed Gulls, Great Black-backed Gulls, 5 Avocets, a few Black-tailed Godwit and lots of Dunlin feeding right in front of Island Hide! I also saw a Jack Snipe sitting motionless at the edge of the reeds. After walking out of the hide, I immediately picked up a ringtail Hen Harrier over the west side of the path over Thornham Point, much to the joy of another birder who had wanted to see one on his trip here – nice to meet you and glad you saw the Hen Harrier. A Cetti's Warbler burst into song briefly and the Great White Egret was at the very far end of the new channel. Also bumped into Chris M. with a tour party and followed behind them in the failing light to the car park. Sadly I didn't have time to walk any further, so I don't know what other changes have been made further along. I will have to return next weekend. Drove home via Ringstead.

I have felt very tired for months now and I'm not sure if its Long Covid or what is going on. Requested a GP telephone call today and after discussion, I'm being sent for a a full blood test this week. The last time I had a blood test, I was very low in Vitamin D and was prescribed some high dosage tablets and then continued on a general Vitamin D tablet (as recommended from GP) daily from the chemist, which I'm still doing, so I don't think its that.

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