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Saturday, 23 January 2010

Applemac Update - not good!

Finally typing this on my Mac!!! Kris (my friend and IT expert) finally left (poor man) at 2.35am!!!!!!!!!!! You can imagine what the neighbours thought (and believe you me there are a couple of neighbours who most definately would have seen him leave my house - they don't miss anything!!!) seeing a handsome young man leaving my house in the early hours of the morning!!!

Anyway back to the Mac - Kris and I discovered something extremely annoying about Apple - thats putting it politely!

When I bought this computer etc from a VERY good friend I had a Mac OS 10.2 installation disk - and throughout the months afterwards Apple software updates allowed me to upgrade gradually FREE to Mac OS 10.4. Now most things/programmes NEED to be run on OS 10.4 minimum. Since my Mac G4 there has a been a G5 and Intel Macs after that and although its old - its not that old! Anyway while Kris was doing loads of IT stuff to my computer that I didn't understand, we discovered that after resinstalling the original OS 10.2 disks that we were unable to obtain the FREE upgrades from Apple now!!!!!! Ok I thought.... I will buy the upgrade and Kris had a look on the Apple website to see if I could do this - BUT No you can't, Apple does not sell the upgrade. Kris kindly explained to me that the highest OS that I can have on a G4 is OS 10.5 - so looked on website and that wasn't for sale either!!!!! So basically if your Mac crashes - its a complete waste of time installing your OS disks if they are a few years old, forcing the consumer to buy a whole new Mac!!!!!! I was not a happy bunny..... its ok if you have couple of grand floating about in the bank for a new one, but I havn't! Kris spent a long time looking on various sites etc to try and find a OS 10.4 but to no avail. Yes my mac is running, but only as OS 10.2 eg lost half my bookmarks, can't install the wireless/airport link in mac as it only runs in min. 10.4, can't install Quark or photoshop without it etc etc etc and everything on the Mac looks different in OS 10.2! Oh and can't plug in my new Apple iphone and connect to itunes unless its 10.4 or above!

PLAN B - phoned my friend who I bought the Mac from and asked very nicely if I could borrow the original disks etc - he was happy to do this - TOP MAN (you know who are X)

I can access the internet and my emails but am looking forward to having my computer back to how it was and photoshop and Quark Xpress back on here! I think all my pictures have been saved - have not had a good look yet - but its looking good!

Thanks to Kris and my very good friend for ALL their help X X.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear IT.

    I advise you to save your photographs to Flickr or Photobucket.

    My printer has crashed. As well as that, it does not like my using ink other than that from the manufacturer Epson.

    I have a Logitech mouse plugged into the back of the machine. Today the touchpad mouse is working, some days it doesn't.

    As for birding I jammed all five grebes close to home by 20th Jan. Alas not much to travel too far for this weekend.
