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Saturday 2 January 2010

Local Birding in the Snow again!!!


Pochard and Tufted Ducks (TD's out of view on this shot!)
on Reservoir at Thornham

Black headed Gulls - Reservoir near Thornham

Curlew between Shernbourne and Docking

One of two groups of Grey Partridges between Shernbourne and Docking

Great Tit - Sandringham bird table area

Marsh Tit - Sandringham bird table area

Spent many hours creating my new blog last night and I still don't really know what I am doing with it!!!!! I expect I will change the template loads of times until I am happy! Might do several blogs actually and link them to the main one as want to link all my photos for the last 2 years - that will take some time!!!

Dersingham for Golden Pheasants and Sandringham Bird Table

Ok the snow novelty is wearing very thin - its treacherous getting out of my road - I might as well have skis under the car!

No golden pheasants on view around Dersingham.

Ventured up the snowy road to the Sandringham Bird Table where there was two big lens photographers in a 4x4 next to the table. Good selection here of Marsh Tit (see pic), Coal Tit, Great Tit (see pic), Blue Tit, Nuthatch, Jay, hedge sparrow, blackbird, wood pigeons, robins.

Freezing cold, so cold I decided to go on a car tour very slowly all around Sandringham, Amner, Shernbourne in search of the recently seen rough leg buzzard and anything else that turned up and with camera on passenger seat I was ready for some car hide photography! Fantastic views of 23 Grey Partridge huddled together in a snow covered field (see pic). A single lapwing (see pic) and a curlew (see pic) in a field along with some common gulls on route. Saw a very familiar white van (BR) go over the Shernbourne crossroads! Drove through Ingoldisthorpe, Snettisham, Ringstead and ended up by the Reservoir at Thornham (where the black winged pratincole was). I was hoping for a smew, but still had a nice surprise of 20 Tufted Ducks, 17 Pochard (see pic) and a MASSIVE flock of black headed gulls (see pic) and common gulls took off from the water as soon as I approached.

Titchwell RSPB

Important things first: One Cheese & Onion Toastie in the Feeding Station. It was soooo bitterly cold and felt really tired and fed up and could not be bothered to bring the scope with me, but did manage to see: Pintail, Stonechat, Mute Swan, little egret, several shoveler and wigeon, pied wagtail, shelducks, great black backed gull, redshank, black tailed godwit and 2 Water Pipits. Oh and a pair of shoveler were doing something odd - no one could understand their antics - apparently they had been going round in circle together for AGES, spinning round in close contact?

At work tomorrow earlier than normal. Got to work every Sunday (if I can) as saving my pennies for Fair Isle (just booked - HURRAH!!!!!).

Get the birthday out of the way with in January and I will feel happier - roll on spring!!!!

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