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Sunday 13 May 2012

Hot Bird News today!

Red-footed Falcon (male) hawking over fields with hirundines, found by Trevor Girling along the A149 opposite the B1439 – only a couple of miles from where I work – how frustrating is that!!!

Golden Oriole singing at 6am in Thornham village - via Birdguides and RBA. No more details than that though! May of course be in someone's garden and understandably don't want to share details – I wouldn't either!

Black-necked Grebe at Snettisham RSPB and three more at Cantley.
Honey Buzzard at Titchwell.
2 Cranes at Holkham
3 Temminck's Stints at Cley

Finished work late afternoon and then cruised over to Thornham in search of the Golden Oriole – I knew this would be like finding a needle in a haystack, but I went anyway! I parked the car up and walked all around Green Lane and the small copse adjacent to the marsh (seaward side). Several birds seen, but nothing too exciting: common whitethroats, sedge warblers, blackbirds, robins, chiffchaffs, little egrets, hirundines skimming over the marshes, cuckoo heard and a large mistle thrush was seen, which I attempted to photograph, but it got away too soon! I also walked the public footpath through Jameson's wood which is east of Thornham Farm Shop – not much here either apart from blackcaps, willow warbler, chaffinches and long tailed tits. Drove home via a fish 'n' chip shop in 'sunny hunny'!!!!

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