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Monday, 21 May 2012

BEE-EATER at last!!!!!

I think I had about 3 hours sleep last night and now feel wrecked!

Arrived at Cley at 5.30am to look for the Bee-eater. Had lovely views of a fox running alongside the river. Lots of birds singing on my arrival including a Turtle Dove etc. Grey, foggy start which didn't lift all day. The Bee-eater appeared on the wires opposite the sewage works at 6.30am - so exciting to see this bird, my second one in Norfolk. Even though the light was atrocious all day, this magical bird performed for many birders throughout the day – catching bees, preening and generally looking the 'bees' knees!!! (look out J.F.!) I was spellbound and just couldn't leave - how can you possibly get bored watching a rainbow of colours cruising over lush green grass catching bees! I stayed until about 10.15am I think - well I stayed until I realised my camera compact flash card said 'FULL' and I realised I hadn't got another card with me.

Wasted alot of time going to Holt and Cromer to buy another card. No one sells such a card!!! So I spent awhile deleting all naff pictures on camera just to give a bit of space for anything else I might need to photograph today.

I sacrificed the Icterine Warbler found by Ian Prentice at Gun Hill and also seeing the Red-breasted Flycatcher at Warham to find my own birds.

I will keep this brief and you will see why. Trimmingham Cliff Top Wood - not a single bird, Beeston Bump: common whitethroats, blackbirds and a hedgesparrow. Sheringham Cemetery: not a single bird. West Runton Cliff top: skylarks, housesparrows and linnets. Walsey Hills NOA: nothing of note. Wish I had twitched other people's birds now! I have been told the end of the week is 'looking good'

Went back for another look at the Bee-eater - still there on the same wires and catching bees. It amazed me that no-one had bothered to update bird information services that the bee-eater was still there - a massive gap between 12.06pm and 4.36pm!!! The Bee-eater flew from the wires high, in the direction (roughly) of Glandford Ford at about 6.45pm and wasn't seen again as far as I know. I sat by the Ford and finished my sandwiches and coffee. Watched a Great Spotted Woodpecker and also a Green Woodpecker and then drove home.

Other bird news today in Norfolk: a Rose Finch at Blakeney Point.

What shall I do tomorrow? Hmmmmm..........decisions, decisions!!!


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