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Thursday 18 July 2013

MEGA!!! BLACK SCOTER at Titchwell RSPB!!!

MEGA – BLACK SCOTER or atypical Common Scoter 1s drake at Titchwell RSPB

At work I had three text messages from birders saying there was a BLACK SCOTER at Titchwell. The girls at work were amused by my frustration of having to wait until the end of the day to go and see this first for Norfolk! I was out of work dead on time! Flew home on cycle. After working in intense heat all day, I was on fire - jumped in shower before going to Titchwell. Because of this I didn't leave the house as quickly as I had intended and also received messages from friends saying that the ID of this bird was not definate and I was advised not to break my neck to get there!

When I arrived at Titchwell there was nobody there but Paul W. standing on the beach. I was shocked, as I had expected tons of people here. But they had already been and gone I heard. Saw bird through my scope distantly. Dick Filby and Will Soar arrived shortly after me and we walked to the sea to get closer views which we did, but bird still very distant. Every so often it would dive and then jump quite high out of the water flapping its wings before settling down again. Through my scope I could see yellow on the bill when it faced you, but none when it was side on. Bird needs to be loads closer – maybe it will be tomorrow whilst I am at work! Dick and Will left about 8pm when it was making its way west. I stayed until 8.30pm watching it make its way back east and was directly in front of me, but again very distant where I left it at 8.30pm. I was the only person here when I left.

Walking back a Spoonbill flew west over the main path, another one distantly on fresh marsh along with 2 little egrets, tons of avocets and the usual birds – very tired, so no energy to list them all.

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