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Sunday 14 July 2013

Sunday – a day of rest?

It was so unbelievably hot at work this morning, it was unreal. So glad I didn't have a double shift today – finished at 1pm. Grabbed a vegetable samosa and a cornetto from my local shop, whizzed home and went straight outside to start the mammoth task of cutting the hedges with my shears. I do have a hedge trimmer but its a re-chargeable one and its heavy. I have what seems is a permanently painful left shoulder, arm and wrist that is constantly in pain and it was even worse by the time I finished, even with having taken voltarol. I have never left it so late in cutting the hedges, its the first time I have cut them this year! It was hot work, but got it done eventually. It takes just as long to sweep all the cuttings up! Continued to weed the front garden and stopped at 6.30pm. Had a shower and washed my hair. Hung some washing up. Nipped to garage shop to buy some urgent food items and then sat down for half an hour. Got work gear ready. Started to write blog. Funny old rest day!

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