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Thursday 19 December 2013

Christmas Lunch & Dobbies!

We had another Christmas Lunch today at work – it's a seriously bad place to work if you want to keep trim – no hope whatsoever!!!

A young lady at work who is a Band 5 OT and whom we are all very fond of, is leaving us to rotate into another team (compulsory when you are B5) and several of us decided to meet for coffee after work to say our goodbyes. We met up at Dobbies Garden Centre and Restaurant which is part of the massive new Tescos on Hardwick, King's Lynn. The size of that store is monsterous! After coffee we all split and I had a look round. Dobbies is amazing and had tons of christmas gifts, decorations, garden and house stuff and a Santa's Grotto with moving polar bears which were fabulous! Penguins and all kinds. Huge puppetry animals dressed in coats and tails playing musical instruments – all moving – stunning and fabulous for children to watch, well and me!

I was very impressed with the vegetarian section in Tescos itself, so much so that I will have to use use this store as my new regular supermarket.

The Skoda is going in for a service tomorrow, valet and wash – can't believe I have had this car two years in March – how the time flies. Will probably trade it in for another new one then. Going to buy a black car next time so it looks a bit more funky and girl racer 'ish!!! I can hear some of you laughing your socks off and rolling about uncontrollably in hysteria – how can a Skoda possible be funky etc? Well its been a fabulously nippy, 100% reliable car and its overtaken tons of cars with ease! My only gripe is that the boot isn't very spacious for loads of birding, camera gear.

Can't see me having time to go birding this Saturday to be honest and I'm working on Sunday. Roll on Boxing Day when I will be out birding all day!

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