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Friday 13 December 2013

FRIDAY 13th & The Christmas Number 1!

Not a good day for me at all normally. I got married on the 13th, that was a big mistake (not to be made again!). My father had a stroke on Friday 13th.... the list goes on!

But today, well, its been a good Friday 13th for a change, no mishaps yet! Hilary and I (a lovely Occupational Therapist I work with) dressed the Christmas Tree at work this evening – it all looks sparkly and christmassy in our office now (out of work time I may add). Eaten loads of naughty food this evening and I have the entire weekend off, can't wait! Off to continue my storm footage tomorrow! Chocolates in our office every day and with two big christmas lunches next week the diet had completely and utterly gone to pot!!!

Now climbing up the 'Fatbirder' charts to No. 15!!! Will I get to the Number 1 spot before Christmas? – no chance!!! Not unless of course, I post something very, very racy!!! Now, let me see......

Eddie had just text to say "All that naughty food and next week's lunches, you will be a Fat Birder'  Ha, bl**dy Ha, Mr Myers (smile) – too late, already am! Start again in 2014!

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