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Thursday 1 May 2014

Burnham Overy Dunes and Gun Hill!

Walked Burnham Overy Dunes and Gun Hill after work this evening in the rain. There was no sign of the reported Black Redstart by the stile when I looked. A Barn Owl was on a post just east of the path and then flew off over the marsh. Lots of Wood Pigeons around, Starlings, Lapwings, Brent Geese, Greylags, a Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and a Marsh Harrier were seen. Grey Heron, Tufted Ducks, Shovelers, 2 Avocets and 2 Shelducks on the pool east of the path. No birds in the bushes/scrub at the end of the path – well not that I saw anyway! Gun Hill produced 6+ Wheatears, 15 Little Terns in the harbour which was lovely to see and a Spoonbill flew across east at 7.30pm. It was really cold this evening and I had my hood up and gloves on! Flushed 2 Grey Partridges out of the bushes, just north of Gun Hill and a small (6+) flock of Linnets went over and a few Meadow Pipits were seen.

On the way back I saw a Skylark, 21 Oystercatchers feeding on the marsh, an LBJ jumped off the path and melted down into the undergrowth – that was probably my mega! Never saw it again. Rain heavier, got back to my car at 8pm. Maybe I should have stayed at home!

One more day at work and I am on HOLIDAY for a whole week!!!

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