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Wednesday 7 May 2014

Lazy Day!

I was shattered today and spent most of the day writing my post from yesterday and adding pictures. Replying and catching up with emails etc. Also spent some time researching which new mobile phone to buy. Luckily I get a 20% discount as an NHS employee with vodafone, which will make quite a difference! I know which phone I am having, I didn't really need to do any research! Think I will stick with vodafone. I just think my iphone 3G S is outdated and slow now – some of my Apps won't update any more because they will only work in a higher iOS software version. Apple have got you by the short and curlies really! A while back, I purchased the 'Audubon Birds Pro' App which now won't update and the same with the 'Sibley eGuide' I can't tweet on my phone anymore. I can't use my brilliant little Blog Press App either – this app is really good if you are in the field and want to send a message to your blog quickly with a picture too, but when I attempt to do this it just comes up with 'error'. I have held onto this phone for so long now, because the monthly fee is so cheap, but its no good if you can't use it properly.

I have added lots of pictures to 'Holme Reserves and Titchwell RSPB' on the 3rd May.

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