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Saturday, 21 May 2016

Change of Plan!

I had full intentions of going to the Norfolk Bird & Wildlife Fair today, but it didn't work out. I went to the garage to get a fault looked at in my car, free wash and hoover thrown in and then returned home. I was so exhausted from everything that has gone on this week, I could have slept all day.

I still had intentions of going to the fair in the afternoon, but instead I persuaded Mother to get her hair cut. She normally cuts her hair herself and makes a terrible job of it, but its got much longer lately and this in turn has showed off her awful hairdressing skills! She is finding things very difficult and not sleeping this week at all – she needs looking after far more than father does right now. I managed to book her in for a dry hair cut at 'Salon 63' in Hunstanton – flew to Holme to pick her up and told she had 6 minutes to leave. Initially she was pretty cross, but I got her there in time and it almost brought tears to my eyes watching her have her hair done properly for the first time. Her hairdresser, Emma made a fantastic job and we have booked her in for approx 5 weeks time, so she doesn't find the excuse to cut it herself again! Mother admitted her new hair cut looked loads better and seemed pleased. Took her straight home, she didn't want to go anywhere else. So worried about her state of mind and may have to take her to GP next week, she is so low in mood and said she wants to sleep forever – this is a sure sign of being depressed – I know, I've been there. Very difficult times. Mother and I both fell asleep in the afternoon. I woke up feeling chilly. Tried to persuade Mother to come to the Norfolk Bird Fair tomorrow, but she says it would be too much, which I can understand, but just want to get her out of the house.

Left Holme and went to Choseley Barns and sat by the concrete pad in my car – it was alive with birds! Three Turtle Doves were feeding here! Along with Collared Doves, Woodpigeons, Red-legged and Grey Partridges, Yellowhammers, Goldfinches, Corn Buntings x 2, Pied Wagtails, Carrion Crow, Pheasants and a Chiffchaff having a splash in a puddle only yards from my car! Swifts and Swallows skimming overhead and Hares in the fields. The only thing that spoilt this wonderful scene was the rain and wind!

Went to visit Father at Summerville House Care Home and he had just been put to bed. Went upstairs to say goodnight (7.30pm) and he was very much awake and rattling the bed rail! He had someone elses's pyjamas on! He had got himself into a poor position in bed. Helped him to use the bottle and then sat on the bed next to him and gave him a big hug – 'it's lovely to see you' I said, 'it's nice to see you too' he replied. I put HIS pyjamas on and got him into a perfect position in bed. A very kind senior member of staff came in to dish out tablets and as soon as he had taken them, he was asleep. I didn't even get a chance to tell him about Mother's new hair cut! I can understand clothes getting mixed up, it must be very difficult for staff, but I did label all his clothes up! Gave him a goodnight kiss and left quietly.

Looking forward to the Norfolk Bird & Wildlife Fair tomorrow!

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