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Saturday 7 May 2016


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
Montagu's Harrier, Temminck's Stints x 3, Little Stint, Wood Sandpiper, Little Gull at Titchwell RSPB.
Montagu's Harrier over Thornham.
Dotterels x 18 in ploughed field, west of bend in road at Choseley Drying Barns.
BLACK-WINGED STILT, Curlew Sandpiper on Simmond's Scrape, Whinchat north of windmill, Spoonbills x 3 at Cley NWT.
Grey-headed Wagtail late evening on The Eye Field, Cley NWT.
Whinchat, Spoonbills x 2 at Snettisham Coastal Park.
Iberian Chiffchaff possible in bushes at end of boardwalk, Short-toed Lark on sea wall, Serin west of boardwalk, Ring Ouzel, Whinchats x 4, Osprey at Burnham Overy Dunes.
Great White Egret at Holkham Freshmarsh.
DUSKY WARBLER in hawthorns just west of Rush Hill Scrape plus Garganey, Temminck's Stints x 4, Hickling Broad NWT.
Ring Ouzel, Whinchat, Short-eared Owl at North Dunes, Winterton.
Wood Sandpipers x 5, Water Pipit on pool west of Iron Road, Short-eared Owl at Salthouse.
Wood Sandpiper, Short-eared Owl at Blakeney Freshmarsh.
Cattle Egret in cattle field, near Northgate Hall Farm, south of A149, 1.5 miles ESE of Wells.
Spoonbill at Brancaster Staithe Harbour.
Black Terns x 2 at Rockland Broad.
Garganey, Wood Sandpipers x 2, Spotted Redshank at Buckenham Marshes RSPB.
Garganey x 2 still on lake, Whinchat at Felbrigg Hall NT.
Pied Flycatcher fem. in birches south of bench in far open area at Wells Woods.
Redstart at Great Yarmouth Cemetery.
Osprey NW of north end of Garden Drove at Warham Greens.
BEE-EATER flew south over dunes at 4.53pm at Hemsby.
Osprey at Leziate Lake then flew NE.
TURTLE DOVES x 2 in paddocks, Spoonbills x 3, Short-eared Owl at Holme.

Lincolnshire Highlights
ALPINE ACCENTOR at Syke's Farm Feeding Station, Gibraltar Point NNR.

MEGA! ALPINE ACCENTOR at Syke's Farm Feeding Station, Gibraltar Point NNR.

MEGA! PIED-BILLED GREBE at Loch Feorlin, 1.5 miles WNW of Minard and 8 miles NE of Lochgilphead, Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
MEGA! WESTERN RUFOUS TURTLE DOVE (form meena) 1w still, on south side of Otford, east of A225 in tree in back garden on The Old Walk, viewed from The Butts, Otford, Kent.
MEGA! SNOWY OWL on Bryher, Isles of Scilly.

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