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Thursday 16 March 2017

Day 22 – More Jobs!

Had a very weird and aggravating random phone call this morning – phone rings, a lady says "I'm phoning about your car accident". "What car accident, I havn't had a car accident" I reply. Pause.... lady says "when did you have your car accident?" Fuming...... I reply loudly "what do you mean? I haven't had a car accident!!!" At this point, the lady replies with "ok" and puts the phone down! Hopping mad, I ring the telephone number back to have a go at the company, but guess what you are not able to ring back – on dialling the number I got a "bleep bleep" sound. This made me cross all morning.

Went to the Funeral Directors to check the Order of Service booklets – amended and finalised with staff and now ready to be printed out. Left father's hat with them – its going with him on Monday. We've honoured father's request of no flowers, even though its seems rather odd.

I visited the crematorium for a short while today – I have not been here for many many years and wanted to know the layout before the funeral, to help with my anxiety and stress levels! It seats 100 people and the lighting is appropriately subdued. Looking at the schedule, it seems our funeral is the first one at 10.45am and the next is 11.30 and so on. The service is 25 minutes long, the other 15 minutes allows for arrival and departure.

Took mother for a hair cut at "The Old School House Hair Company" in Old Hunstanton this evening – formerly the primary school, where both my sisters attended. This is the most beautiful hairdressers I have ever walked into! Chandeliers suspended from the roof beams, luxury seating, glitz and glamour! See picture here. A lovely lady called Anita made a very good job of my mother's hair, considering my mother has been cutting it herself recently!

Two very distant relatives phoned this evening to say they would be coming to the funeral – one whom my mother has not seen since she was around 10 years old and another who said she hasn't seen me since I was 10 years old! I have a gut feeling there may be more people coming to the funeral than I first thought!

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