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Sunday 19 March 2017

Day 25 – Funeral Tomorrow!

Peter, Robert Clarke

Its been a crazy day, not how I wanted to spend it, but there was lots of things to do for the funeral. Took all my laminated pictures down to the observatory and along with Sophie, my sister Vivien and her partner Ray, we put all the pictures of father and others up on the display board – this is standing on a table and we adorned the table with pine cones to decorate! Vivien also added lots of her pictures too. There will be a condolence book here and also another at the Firs NWT.

Took framed photos etc to Gary and Alison – they had started to arrange furniture, tables and things in preparation for tomorrow. I am so grateful for what they are doing, I really am, thank you both so much and to anyone else who has been involved at the Firs House.

Made a free decoration for the coffin – more on that tomorrow! I am getting really nervous now, I really hope I hold it together until a certain point, again more on that tomorrow night! I expect I will see some of you at the funeral and wake, so I will sign off now and say good night.

The funeral is this Monday at 10.45am at the Mintlyn Crematorium, King's Lynn. The wake will be held at The Firs NWT Visitor Centre at Holme as details below: 

All those that knew Peter – birders, friends, carers, therapy staff are very welcome to join us.

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