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Monday 23 April 2018

Burnham Overy Dunes!

I had to help my mother with various things, so unable to get out birding during the day. An evening walk at Burnham Overy Dunes produced some excellent birds! South west winds and considerably cooler than yesterday and no sun whilst I was out!

Wheatears x 4 were on the marsh east of the hedge-lined track, just before joining the sea wall and a Marsh Harrier was seen distantly. A Bittern was booming from the reedbeds! Herons x 2, several Swallows, Greylag Geese, Egyptian Geese, Canada Geese, Shelducks, Redshanks and Oystercatchers seen. A Cuckoo was calling from the direction of Gun Hill.

No birds surfaced from the scrub/bushes at the end of the boardwalk or from 'my' apple tree, but in the dunes east of here, I found a single Chiffchaff, a female Ring Ouzel, Wheatears x 11 including a particularly smart male and 6 Linnets feeding on a dune ridge.

On the way back, I found a Great White Egret on the far pools east of the sea wall which was a lovely surprise! Also saw 3 Spoonbills (2 east of the sea wall and 1 west of), Reed Buntings x 2, Sedge Warblers x 2, Marsh Harriers x 4 and Avocets x 18 west of the sea wall.

I had to speed up my pace towards the end of my walk as looming black clouds appeared. I was very lucky indeed and just got back to my car in time before the rain started! Saw a Roe Deer just outside Burnham Market on route home.

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