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Monday 2 April 2018

Rainy Bank Holiday Monday at Cley NWT & CleySpy with Mother & Lucy!

The weather over the Easter break has been torrential – it must be the most dismal Easter I can recall for a very long time. I was determined to make the best of the last day even though it was pouring with rain! The unmade up road next to my mother's house was like a river and Lucy and I got soaked just getting from the car to the house. Today was a big mistake – I underestimated my mother's state of mind, her anxiety, her illness (long story) and everything really. In fact, I am writing this weekend off altogether!

I wanted to take my mother out for a change of scene, so we headed to Cley Visitor Centre NWT for lunch which was nice and sat watching some of the short films in the "Simon Aspinall Wildlife Education Centre". But the next stop at Natural Surroundings was not successful at all, mother refused to get out of the car a second time, so Lucy and I left her in the car whilst we nipped into the shop (for Lucy) and then returned to the car and left. Popped into CleySpy with Lucy, where again mother refused to get out of the car. I chatted with all the lovely staff there and bought a LED LOUPE Triplet 10x-20.5mm magnify glass with light and very nice it is too – it quite amazing the detail you can see through that, very useful in the field! CleySpy sell several different types of magnifiers from budget priced to high end range – see their main advert on my blog or link here. Also note that the Zeiss Harpier Spotting Scope Demonstration Day is at Cley Visitor Centre NWT next Saturday 7th April where Simon King😍 will be demonstrating the new scope!!! Sounds like a date!

We then headed to the Eye Field at Cley in hope that I might see the reported Wheatear, but I wasn't lucky. Unfortunately both Lucy and Mother wanted to return home, so no more birding was possible. Headed back to Holme. The weather forecast for next weekend is supposed to be glorious – about time too!

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