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Sunday 3 March 2019

Choseley Drying Barns & Weekend Update!

Went to check the family home at Holme today – lots of Spring flowers popping up, bringing some colour to the garden. Headed to Choseley Drying Barns, sat in the car and waited for the Black Redstart to appear – it was a very long wait. It was pouring with rain and Storm Freya was in its infant stages, so not exactly a day to go out birding. Eventually, two hours later, the Black Redstart appeared on the far right hand corner of the concrete pad, distant and too far for photos, but lovely all the same. It appeared twice more for moments only, in the same spot.

Other birds seen whilst here: at least 15 Yellowhammers, flock of Goldfinches, Hedge Sparrows, Robin, Chaffinches, Wren, Pied Wagtails, Red-legged Partridges, Grey Partridges, Wood Pigeons, Pheasant, Marsh Harrier, Lapwings, Starlings, Curlews and a Magpie. Made my way home in daylight, before the storm got any more serious.

Nice little selection of birds at my bird table in King's Lynn, including far too many Starlings gobbling my mealworms put out for the Robins! Blackbirds, Robins, Hedgesparrows, Great Tit, Blue Tit and Goldfinches.

Spent yesterday with Lucy, Vivien and Ray in Ely. Went to The Cutters Pub by the Riverside and had a spectacular lunch – highly recommended. Spent a long time perusing all the fascinating antiques over three floors in the Waterside Antiques Centre. Had tea in the Vegan Cafe and then veggi burger and chips later, in Ray's narrowboat with cosy woodburner! Lovely day.

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