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Thursday 28 March 2019

Getting My Life In Order!

Well, attempting to anyway! I have been very, very busy over the last few days. I decided to use the grey days and lack of sun to get some essential jobs done, including selecting and finalising photos for a publication, sending off a submission form to the Norfolk Records Committee for last year and all number of other things. We sold the Ebridge Mill picture, the two watercolours of the lady and child earlier this week and the Barometer sold today, hopefully they have all gone to a good home or maybe they will go to an antique shop for double/triple the price?! Who knows! We've had three more viewings on our family home this week – only a matter of time now!

I'm going to try very hard to keep on top of photos this year! I've just added a load to 19th March. I took some of the Common Buzzard the other day at Stiffkey, but none were sharp and didn't feel like putting naff photos on the blog! I still need to do the iphone photos – job for another day. It looks like Friday and Saturday are going to be gloriously sunny with south west winds, so I will be out dawn until dusk! Clocks go forward on Saturday night and don't forget to turn your lights off at 8.30pm for one hour – see next post. The temperature drops on Sunday and north east winds hit us – not good for the general public, but may be good for us birders!

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