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Monday 23 September 2019

Beautiful Day, But No Need For The Notebook!

Started the day at North Point, Wells. Large numbers of geese, including Pink-footed, Canada, Barnacle and Greylags, lots of gulls, a few Little Egrets and Mallards. After much searching of the hedgerows and the copse west of here (where the coastal path runs through) I didn't find any birds of note at all.

Garden Drove, Warham produced no birds of note. Bumped into Mike S. here and whilst chatting, another birder we spoke to said he had seen a Pied Flycatcher and several Goldcrests in the Campsite Wood at Stiffkey.

Stiffkey Campsite Wood was a little windy! I spent a good while in here, searching for a single Pied Flycatcher, no luck with that or any Goldcrests, but did have a Great Spotted Woodpecker, Great Tit and a Wood Pigeon.

After a visit to CleySpy to look at lighter binoculars...... I then went to Walsey Hills NOA to look for the reported Yellow-browed Warbler, no luck with that either!

Gramborough Hill, Salthouse produced 'not alot' from John F., as he reported to me shortly after I parked up, so I didn't bother going out there! I didn't take a single picture or make a note of a single bird, but the weather was beautiful!

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