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Sunday 22 September 2019

Weekend Update!

I am holiday now for a week, but so far it doesn't feel like one, as so many essential jobs to do. With only a matter of weeks left before I depart for Fair Isle, there are loads of things I need to sort. With my share of the house sale, I paid my mortgage off last week and now have no debts at all – it hasn't quite sunk in yet, but then neither has the fact that our family home is sold – lots of things to deal with in my mind. Lucy said today, that she can't believe we can't ever visit our garden again – now only a memory.

I should have been out birding today, but there were things I had to do. I took several cuttings from plants on my last day at the family home and temporarily stuck them in a big pot of water until I got round to potting them all up, which I did today in the pouring rain. My mother's lawnmower has been living in my kitchen since last Sunday – I managed to squeeze it into my far shed this afternoon. I'm still enjoying the eating apples from mother's tree and have alot of cooking apples to get through!

I will be visiting the Apple Store in either Norwich or Cambridge this week – upgrading my old iphone 6 – I don't like changing phones, I always seem to lose something! I've also been thinking about changing my camera gear, but realise I havn't really got time to sort this before I go away, so will just have to hope the old Canon 7D doesn't die on me whilst on Fair Isle! I have been conversing with David Tipling about his Olympus (mirrorless) set-up and I think this will be the way forward – its sounds incredibly exciting! Suffolk birder and photographer John Richardson also uses the same gear and his pictures are incredible!

Out birding tomorrow!

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