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Saturday 3 April 2021

Snettisham Coastal Park & The Manure Heap At Sedgeford!

Bitterly cold NE winds today and almost no migrants on offer at all. Snettisham Coastal Park produced one Chiffchaff, Chaffinches x 2, Wood Pigeons, Mallard, Moorhen and a flock of Linnets. I had to listen to a couple shouting loudly and continuously for their large white dog, which ran off from them on the far high bank/path (Ken Hill side) – if they had read the 'keep your dogs on a lead sign', it wouldn't have happened. Goodness knows what the dog got up and what it disturbed or ate, while it was off out of control. All dogs I could see distantly were not on leads, not one.

I decided to go to the manure heap at Sedgeford, where last year's fabulous "Blue-headed Eastern Yellow Wagtail" was watched by many. Nobody else here but me, surprise, surprise! No birds of note either, apart from a Great Tit in the small copse next the manure heap, a female Pheasant and a flock of Linnets.

Tomorrow is the only sunny, warmish day with SW winds over the Easter period – on Bank Holiday Monday and Tuesday, 50mph winds and snow showers are forecast!!!

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