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Sunday 8 May 2022


A fabulous sunny day with NE winds. Used the Canon EOS R5 and Canon RF 100-500mm f4.5-f7.1L IS USM lens for the first time today – its going to take some getting used to, but such a lightweight set-up! Eats batteries I have discovered! For the first time I'm using back button focus. Home late and very tired, so typing up in list format only!
Garden Drove, Warham Greens
Track very overgrown. Walked to end copse at north end and then west to pond/scrub. Blackbird, Robin, Hedge Sparrow, Chiffchaffs, Whitethroat, Blackcaps, Common Buzzard and several Speckled Wood Butterflies. I was still here at 10.30am when the pager message bleeped up with WTE going north from Wells, but I didn't see it!

North Point Pools, Wells
Whinchat on fence by car park, pointed out by Simon, thank you, White Wagtail on track between pools, Pied Wagtails, Goldfinches, Wood Sandpiper on western pools, Common Sandpiper, Redshanks, Little Ringed Plovers x 2, Marsh Harrier, Cetti's Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Little Egret, Heron, Brent Geese, Greylag Geese, Egyptian Geese, Shelducks, Teal, Mallard + young, Gadwall, Avocets, Black-tailed Godwits, Swallows, Sand Martins, House Martins.
Lunch at Stiffkey
Set up my picnic table and deckchair and had my lunch on the grass verge under the trees that leads to Stiffkey Campsite car park.

Stiffkey Clifftop Wood
Beautiful amble along the path adorned with bluebells and views of the sea and marsh through the trees. Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs, Blackbirds, disturbed a Sparrowhawk with prey, possibly a Blackbird. Speckled Wood Butterflies.

Gramborough Hill
Ringed Plover, Avocets on the pool just west of the hill, but only 2 Linnets in the main scrub on the hill. Sat in my favourite spot overlooking the scrub, but nothing exciting seen.
Ringed Plover west of Gramborough Hill
Iron Road, Salthouse
Temminck's Stint, Redshanks x 5, Avocets x 5, Gadwall, Shelducks x 2, Ringed Plover, Sand Martins, House Martins, Swallows, Reed Bunting.

Walsey Hills NOA
Goldfinches, Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps, Chaffinch. Wall Butterflies x 4 in front of reception building.
Cley NWT – Teal & Daukes' Hide
Sedge Warbler, Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, Heron, Avocets, Shelducks, Black-tailed Godwit, Bar-tailed Godwit, Black-headed Gulls. Dipped on the Temminck's Stints x 3, which flew back in 20 minutes after I left!
Glandford Ford
Song Thrush singing its heart out! Whitethroat, Goldfinches.

South winds tomorrow and a promising day for migrants... maybe!

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