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Thursday 19 May 2022

Stevenson Skip Hire & Another Mishap!

A few days ago I booked a skip with Stevenson Skip Hire, which I believe are based in Littleport, but cover the King's Lynn area. The skip was arriving this Saturday, ready for my two week holiday, so I can start clearing a load of unwanted/crap out of my two sheds. But annoyingly I had to cancel the skip today, due to injuring myself. On Tuesday afternoon, I spent a good while prising off ivy tendrils and roots from my side passage door, which I had to remove, as I couldn't open the door – its been like this for several years! This door leads to my sheds, so it had to be done, in preparation of the skip arriving.

I had presumably aggravated the same right hip and right lower back, that resulted in me going to hospital a few months ago, as yesterday morning I got out of bed in severe pain. Took some pain relief at work, but it didn't touch the pain at all. Went home after work and laid on the floor with pack of frozen peas on hip for well over half an hour. Did the exercises given to me a while back. Went to bed with stronger pain relief,  Co-codamol (prescribed to me before), Ibuprofen and a very expensive Voltarol patch. Slept well, but was in total agony when I tried to get up this morning. Having a shower was torture. Managed to get to work, difficult to get out of the car and my walk to the hospital entrance, was the slowest I have ever walked in my life (I'm normally a fast speed walker at work). Arriving in my office, I literally broke down (almost in tears). I should have stayed at home, but there we go. Carried out lightish duties and continued with strong pain relief.

This morning, I realised there was no way I was going to be capable of doing a very manual job (by myself) of carting loads of stuff from sheds to fill a skip, so I had no choice but to cancel the skip. The main reason I am writing this post, is to thank the staff at Stevenson Skip Hire, who's professionalism has been second to none. From the time I made the first telephone call and spoke to Jack, when I booked with Grace and had to cancel with Peri, all of them were first class in how they spoke with me and that is rare nowadays I find! I should have been charged to cancel, but after hearing what I had done, they wavered the charge, so the least I can do is give them a shout out on my blog! A good business and service deserves to be mentioned. Thank you all very much and I will be booking with you again, as soon as I have recovered! Hopefully this may get you a few extra customers!

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