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Tuesday 27 December 2022


BOXING DAY – Monday 26th December

A bit late with this post as I fell asleep this evening!

Lucy and I went to Ely today and spent the afternoon and evening with Vivien and Ray on their lovely narrow boat for Boxing Day lunch! Ray's coleslaw with walnuts was particularly yummy and the buffet style lunch was fabulous. We couldn't fit any dessert in until later on. So after chatting and a brief walk around the marina, we returned to Ray's heavenly lemon cheesecake – nothing I had today was Slimming World compliant!!! Lucy and I had bought over lots of goodies too, including my home-made Carrot Cake, Victoria Sandwich, Chocolate Crunch, Shortbread Biscuits and also purchased items from M&S etc! Ray declared that my Carrot Cake was the best he had ever tasted and Vivien smiled and said that's a 'serious compliment, coming from Ray'. Lucy and I have established a while back, that Ray is a pretty good cook to say the least, I think I will start referring to him as Chef Raymondo 😉!

Lucy was delighted to spot several Canada Geese swimming past the boat, only yards from us and we also saw four of the resident Muscovy Ducks around the Marina on our little walk – it was very sad to hear Vivien telling us, that nearly all the resident Swans have been lost to bird flue. Vivien and Ray's Christmas decorations looked very pretty all around the windows and it all looked very festive with their fancy new fire (difficult to describe). A lovely afternoon, but for some reason I started to feel overwhelmingly exhausted – I have no idea why, maybe it was all the extra food that I'm not used to consuming, or maybe I was coming down with something – hopefully not! Oh and we also heard a Tawny Owl calling from near the boat, just before we left – maybe it was in the huge walnut tree?!

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