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Sunday 11 December 2022

Christmas Lunch & Coldest December Night Since 2010!

🥶 🥶 🥶 -7°c last night!

I can't recall the last time it was THIS cold! Fog and a icy white-out all day. My car was completely white first thing this morning. I had a serious job trying to break the thick ice on the bird baths and had to get kettles of boiling water in the end – they were solid again by lunchtime! Lots of birds on my feeders, 7 Collared Doves at least, loads of Starlings, House Sparrows, Robins, Hedge Sparrows, Magpie and even three Muntjac deer had found their way into my patio area, clearing up after the birds!

Lucy, Vivien & Ray and I went to the Castle Rising Tea Rooms today, for a pre Christmas get together lunch. The particular table we had booked had been double booked, so even though we had sat down at our favourite corner table, we were asked to move, firstly by another family who had also booked it and then by a member of staff. We were moved to another table in the middle of another room, which I hate. The place was seriously cold and for me to say that, it must have been chilly! The food was nice, but some of it not hot and way too long a gap between main course and dessert. Sadly I won't be returning in the Winter time, the cold was the biggest downside. We were given a free drink for the double booking though, which was appreciated.

We all went back to mine for hot drinks and it didn't feel that much hotter at my house. Wickedly cold weather and I don't complain about the cold normally! I wasn't going to bother with Christmas decorations this year, but changed my mind and glad I did, as its made everything look sparkly and cheered my spirits!

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