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Sunday, 22 August 2021

Wex, CleySpy, Gramborough & Cley Birding!

Pied Flycatcher at Gramborough Hill


It was obvious it was going to be a good day for the first sprinkling of Autumn migrants, but I couldn't get out first thing. Cloudy and dull in King's Lynn this morning, but lashing down with rain as I headed east. Rain and easterly winds – always exciting at this time of the year!

Cruised to Wex in Norwich and returned the second Canon EF 100-400mm f4.5-5.6L IS II USM lens, which was refunded straight away by Nathan, who had to put up with me for so long the other day! I assured him I wouldn't be so long in the shop today! Whilst I was there, I checked my list of items on order (see yesterday's post). Nathan said it was likely I would get the camera body before I left to Shetland, but the lens was unlikely, as there was way over a hundred people on the waiting list for this!!! Left Norwich and headed to the coast. The sun was now out and it was an beautiful afternoon.

Next stop, CleySpy! I tested out the new Swarovski NL Pure 8x42 for the first time – I then looked through the 8x32's for about 5 seconds and handed them back to Andrew! The 8x42's were far superior with a wider field of view and brighter. This is what I currently have, but mine are loads heavier! I LOVE my Swarovski binoculars and they are optically awesome, in fact there was very little difference between them and the new NL's to be honest, ok so the NL's were a bit brighter yes, but not by much in my opinion. The huge plus point for me, was the smaller and beautifully shaped barrels, that felt perfect to hold, seemed smaller and were considerably lighter than mine! I was sold....... I'm next on the waiting list! Frustratingly though, the next batch have an estimated arrival date of 27th September! Just, before I leave for Shetland, so unless I'm extremely lucky, I may not get them before I go! I will of course be selling my current binoculars 😭 then, which I will advertise on here.

So many migrants dropping in all over the UK today. Bird of the day was an incredible find by Douglas Wright and his wife in Cornwall – an Eastern Rufous Bushchat! Lots of migrants in Norfolk today as you can see from the list below. I wish I had had time to walk to Blakeney Point, but it was fairly late in the day. I headed to Gramborough Hill at Salthouse, which was a more chilled option!

Little Stint and Dunlin just west of Gramborough Hill

Parked my car up along Beach Road and ambled to along the path to the hill. I realised how much I had missed not going birding for so long, it felt absolutely magical to be out and saw some fabulous birds here! Jim L. pointed out a Whimbrel that was flying overhead, just as I got out of the car. A Little Stint was feeding with several Dunlin on the pool, just west of the hill and bumped into several Norfolk birders here including Ian, Paul and of course John F.! In the scrub it was just brilliant! At least two Pied Flycatchers here, 2 Redstarts (seen at the same time), Garden Warbler gobbling a elderberry briefly, Whitethroat and lots of Goldfinches. When Eddie joined me and also Jim L., 2 Hobbies flew towards us, over the hill heading west and a Greenshank called. Wasp Spiders seen as well! I spent what must have been a couple of hours here, just enjoying the scene – I love Pied Flycatchers, such cracking birds. Also bumped into a lovely couple I sometimes see and I always forget their names, which is dreadful, my memory for names is shocking at times! Also saw Pete from Norwich, but can't remember his surname! On route back to my car, there were no sign of any Dunlin or Little Stint.

Pied Flycatcher at Gramborough Hill


Redstart at Gramborough Hill
Wasp Spider at Gramborough Hill


Sat by car and had an extremely late lunch and a cup of tea. Headed to Walsey Hills NOA, where surprisingly I saw nothing at all! Then went to Coastguards, walked across the shingle to look at the sea, far too many people here. I was absolutely flabbergasted to see a huge open fronted marquee set up right next to the Blakeney Point sign, with people socialising with tables, chairs, drinks etc! I bet they didn't erect that when any NWT staff were around! #notallowed

Ended the day in the central NWT hides! Not been here since before the word Covid existed! Daukes' Hide is still closed because of nesting birds, but both Teal and Avocet hides are open. Eddie and another local birder were in Avocet hide, but no one else here. It was fabulous to be back and the light is always so beautiful here in the evenings. Little Stint here, along with Dunlins, Black-tailed Godwits, Little Egrets, Heron, Gulls, Mute Swan etc. Eddie was on an amusing roll – putting the world to rights and I agreed with everything he said – can't repeat the stuff he was saying on here though😂, but it was hugely entertaining!

Late this afternoon my car was making the most hideous scraping noises when I turned right only, like something was scraping on the road. After inspection, I found nothing visible at all, don't knows what is going on, but I'm sure the garage will find out the problem at the MOT and annual service this Tuesday!🤞Drove home far later than I had intended. Out birding ALL day tomorrow!!!

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