UPDATE VIA RBA: ".......the result of a DNA test on feathers from the suspected Atlas Flycatcher present at Flamborough Head, East Yorkshire on 28th April-10th May 2012 showed it to be a Pied Flycatcher"
Monday, 30 April 2012
Golden Oriole settled in nicely!

I must admit I was pretty shocked but very pleased to hear the Golden Oriole was still at Snettisham Coastal Park this morning!
Of course it was glorious sunshine all day whilst I was at work and I was dreading missing something good! All those rain drenched migrants from yesterday popping out in the sunshine to feed - it was in my head constantly! I had also pre-packed the car with all birding gear - I just knew I would be going birding straight from work!
Arrived at Snettisham at about 5.30pm - quickly bolted down a cheese salad and then began my stroll through the Coastal Park. A beautiful sunny evening. Lovely views of a pair of bullfinches, chiffchaffs, loads of wheatears, martins skimming the skies, a Grasshopper Warbler reeling. A couple of Cuckoos and a wonderful Stonechat swaying on a bramble. Bumped into Sue Bryan who had seen a Pied Flycatcher (or was it!!!!!!) earlier and we walked together to search for the Golden Oriole - no one had seen it for about an hour. It was approximately a mile from the carpark - another birder re-found it again sitting distantly in an elder tree in the scrub in the valley adjacent to Ken Hill Wood - we viewed it from the concrete seawall. Its very difficult to name landmarks here - there isn't any really! I felt really lucky to be watching this bird for a second day, but sadly my quest to get frame filling pictures was not to be - I only saw the bird distantly. I was cross that I had messed up yesterday's pictures. My best shots (several of, which I won't be showing) are all faded and wishy washy - why you ask? because blondie here, had the camera on the wrong bl**dy setting - after I took the 'best' shots, I noticed I had turned the dial to 'M' when it should have been on 'AV'!!!!!!! Gutted!!!!!! No good crying about it now Penelope!!! Anyway Geoff and Pat who had been here a bit earlier looking for it and had returned to the carpark, came back again and luckily saw the bird before it disappeared out of view again. Also saw BF's Pete H. - nice to see you. I also bumped into an old Lynn News colleague called Pete who was with a friend - the friend said a friend (non-birder) of his (with me still?) had seen a White-spotted Bluethroat along the Castle Rising Road in early April!!!!!
I walked back alone via the inner sea bank - no more views of the Golden Oriole - it was cold now and the sun had disappeared. Went to my parents to deliver some shopping, cruised home. The car is seriously muddy now and its looks like its been banger racing - will I find time to wash it? not at the moment!!!!!!
Citrine Wagtail at West Runton today and a Siberian Stonechat at Cromer were the other main highlights of the day along with lots of Whinchats, several Pied Flys, ring ouzels, yellow wags, tree pipits, redstarts, hobby, hooded crow, 2 White Storks remain at Acle.
From the NOA website: .........at least 40 Willow warblers, 25 Wheatears, 25 Yellow Wagtails and 5 Whinchats recorded, with 3 Redstarts, a Nightingale, a Turtle Dove and a male Pied Flycatcher also present.........
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Golden Oriole at Snettisham Coastal Park!!!!!!!

Found by Jim Swalwell – Congratulations!
Well – what an evening!!!!
I didn't get up until nearly lunchtime as had another, almost sleepless night. Spent all afternoon lounging on the sofa and only had white, boiled rice to eat. Virtually no stomach pains and I felt a bit better, although still exhausted.
Late afternoon I had a text from Jim to say he had a GOLDEN ORIOLE at Snettisham Coastal Park!!!!! This was the kind of message I had been dreading all day. I know its not a mega or a first for Norfolk BUT.....a male Golden Oriole just down the road!!! I stayed on the sofa, thinking about this – I needed some fresh air, not been out of the house since I left work on Wednesday, I was feeling better than I did...... rang Jim up - it was still there.
Whizzed over to Snettisham Coastal Park and joined Jim on the central path, not that far from the pine trees next to the carpark. It was not in view when I arrived – typical! Looked at Jim's pictures on his camera! I could see Ray Roche walking along the far seawall and gave him a call, as I didn't think he had a pager and alerted him to the fact that there was a Golden Oriole here somewhere – he came and joined us as did Robert S. too and a couple of others. I re-found the adult Golden Oriole again at 6.54pm when scanning with bins at some seriously loud people shouting at their dogs! This was a stonking bird – vivid, canary yellow contrasted again black wings – Wow!!! Congratulations and thanks to Jim for finding this spectacular bird!!! It seemed quite happy feeding, but was very difficult to photograph – it stayed on show on and off until almost dusk – Jim was the last person to take a picture – see his blog and pictures here.
Also saw my first Swift , Garden Warbler singing and a Grasshopper Warbler sitting in a hawthorn bush in the middle of the reedbed reeling. 2 Whimbrel flew over and a Sedge Warbler and a Blackcap both showed well. A Fieldfare also flew over my head 'chacking'. There were several Wheatears around and also a Willow Warbler singing and Chiffchaffs. Loads of swallows and house martins skimming across the skies. Also two bullfinches. Jim said he saw a nightingale and a redstart earlier too!
My mother had two male Bramblings in her garden this morning.
Tomorrow – could be a very, very interesting day!!!
I didn't get up until nearly lunchtime as had another, almost sleepless night. Spent all afternoon lounging on the sofa and only had white, boiled rice to eat. Virtually no stomach pains and I felt a bit better, although still exhausted.
Late afternoon I had a text from Jim to say he had a GOLDEN ORIOLE at Snettisham Coastal Park!!!!! This was the kind of message I had been dreading all day. I know its not a mega or a first for Norfolk BUT.....a male Golden Oriole just down the road!!! I stayed on the sofa, thinking about this – I needed some fresh air, not been out of the house since I left work on Wednesday, I was feeling better than I did...... rang Jim up - it was still there.
Whizzed over to Snettisham Coastal Park and joined Jim on the central path, not that far from the pine trees next to the carpark. It was not in view when I arrived – typical! Looked at Jim's pictures on his camera! I could see Ray Roche walking along the far seawall and gave him a call, as I didn't think he had a pager and alerted him to the fact that there was a Golden Oriole here somewhere – he came and joined us as did Robert S. too and a couple of others. I re-found the adult Golden Oriole again at 6.54pm when scanning with bins at some seriously loud people shouting at their dogs! This was a stonking bird – vivid, canary yellow contrasted again black wings – Wow!!! Congratulations and thanks to Jim for finding this spectacular bird!!! It seemed quite happy feeding, but was very difficult to photograph – it stayed on show on and off until almost dusk – Jim was the last person to take a picture – see his blog and pictures here.
Also saw my first Swift , Garden Warbler singing and a Grasshopper Warbler sitting in a hawthorn bush in the middle of the reedbed reeling. 2 Whimbrel flew over and a Sedge Warbler and a Blackcap both showed well. A Fieldfare also flew over my head 'chacking'. There were several Wheatears around and also a Willow Warbler singing and Chiffchaffs. Loads of swallows and house martins skimming across the skies. Also two bullfinches. Jim said he saw a nightingale and a redstart earlier too!
My mother had two male Bramblings in her garden this morning.
Tomorrow – could be a very, very interesting day!!!
Saturday, 28 April 2012
Still poorly......
Tossed and turned all night with severe stomach pains and that was after taking paracetamol! Other things happening this morning which I won't detail on here - will leave you to guess! I hate being ill - its so incredibly boring and lonely. This virus seems to be getting worse. Phoned the emergency GP, only because this virus started to worry me - the symptoms are all back to front. If it was norovirus I would have 'those' symptoms on day one, surely! The GP said its sounds like Gastroenteritis and that I should not return to work until 48 hours after 'symptoms' had passed. So it doesn't look like I will be back to work on Monday either now and no birding either. Really fed up. Wanted to visit and help my parents too - can't do that either.
Bored of watching TV, sleeping, and listening to the dog howling next door. I'll lose my mind if I have to stay in here much longer. Although I did enjoy watching 'The Voice" on BBC at 7pm this evening. I feel like there is a roller coaster in my stomach this evening and I have severe heartburn - looks like another sleepless night - oh joy!
Had a text from another birder who had 14 Ring Ouzels at Choseley today!!! What a sight that must have been! Male Pied Flycatcher at Titchwell RSPB and 2 White Storks south east of Acle. Same birds around today that were seen yesterday I see when I looked at RBA website.
Bored of watching TV, sleeping, and listening to the dog howling next door. I'll lose my mind if I have to stay in here much longer. Although I did enjoy watching 'The Voice" on BBC at 7pm this evening. I feel like there is a roller coaster in my stomach this evening and I have severe heartburn - looks like another sleepless night - oh joy!
Had a text from another birder who had 14 Ring Ouzels at Choseley today!!! What a sight that must have been! Male Pied Flycatcher at Titchwell RSPB and 2 White Storks south east of Acle. Same birds around today that were seen yesterday I see when I looked at RBA website.
Friday, 27 April 2012
Black-winged Stilt remains at RSPB Frampton!
This is a couple of miles less than going to Cley for me. Hmmmm..... now what was I saying about having to cut down on long journeys - well some anyway!!!!
Bird News in Norfolk today!
Some highlights from RBA Website:
Hunstanton: Osprey south of Hunstanton - afternoon.
Titchwell RSPB: Osprey through west early morning, Pied Flycatcher, White Wagtail, also Swifts (100+) and Swallow through the reserve today and 3 Yellow Wagtails.
Cley: Blue-headed Wagtail (probable), 7 Yellow Wags, fem. Redstart, fem. Black Redstart, Hobby and 5 Ring Ouzels at Friary Hills (Blakeney).
Salthouse: Hooded Crow near Gramborough Hill.
Kelling Water Meadows: Wood Sandpiper this morning along with male hybrid Blue-headed Wagtail x Yellow Wagtail with 12 Yellow Wagtails.
Waxham: Purple Sandpipers x 2.
Winterton: Hooded Crow.
Hickling: Osprey.
Welney: 2 Gargeney and a Hobby.
Breydon Water: 116 Whimbrel and 9 Greenshank.
Hunstanton: Osprey south of Hunstanton - afternoon.
Titchwell RSPB: Osprey through west early morning, Pied Flycatcher, White Wagtail, also Swifts (100+) and Swallow through the reserve today and 3 Yellow Wagtails.
Cley: Blue-headed Wagtail (probable), 7 Yellow Wags, fem. Redstart, fem. Black Redstart, Hobby and 5 Ring Ouzels at Friary Hills (Blakeney).
Salthouse: Hooded Crow near Gramborough Hill.
Kelling Water Meadows: Wood Sandpiper this morning along with male hybrid Blue-headed Wagtail x Yellow Wagtail with 12 Yellow Wagtails.
Waxham: Purple Sandpipers x 2.
Winterton: Hooded Crow.
Hickling: Osprey.
Welney: 2 Gargeney and a Hobby.
Breydon Water: 116 Whimbrel and 9 Greenshank.
A rough few days!
A cheery post from Victor Meldrew!!
Its been raining non stop - yes I know that's fabulous, but give us a glimmer of sunshine for a bit please!!! I am very glad I live on a hill!
Oh and we are officially back in recession – "I don't believeeeeee it"!!!
Sadly I will have to cut down the amount of long journeys I make, as financially things have changed dramatically. There are no bank shifts available at work for the forthcoming future (can't go into details why this has occurred - can't risk losing my full-time job!). I have been doing bank shifts on Sundays for over 11 years and I never expected it to stop and just when I have purchased a new car! I have downgraded my iphone 3gs today to a new 12 month contract for same amount of minutes/texts etc for half what I was paying monthly for keeping this 'old' phone. Was going to upgrade to the iphone 4s, but that won't be happening now. Was also going to treat myself to a RBA pager, that also sadly is going to be shelved. Bought myself a lottery ticket for Wednesday - didn't get a single number.
Woke up on Wednesday feeling sicky and feverish - went into work, got rapidly worse and HAD to leave just after lunch. I couldn't eat any lunch - always a sign that I am ill!! That's my sickness record up the spout again - just in case you didn't know, you are not allowed to be ill when you work for the NHS. I have been off work the rest of the week, lounging on the sofa under a rug and hot water bottles. Not actually been sick, but severe stomach cramps, lower back/kidney pain and temperature and extreme tiredness and no appetite at all. Lost a few pounds so far. Forced myself to make a proper dinner earlier this evening, but could only manage a third of it and threw the rest away (never do this normally). Oh well, with no shifts on Sunday at least I will have the whole weekend to recuperate!
Father is still ok – but not himself yet – I live in hope. Mother is struggling and this makes me sad, although I will be helping all I can. If only they had a bigger house, I would just move in! At long last she has given in to me picking her up each week to take her food shopping.
Its been raining non stop - yes I know that's fabulous, but give us a glimmer of sunshine for a bit please!!! I am very glad I live on a hill!
Oh and we are officially back in recession – "I don't believeeeeee it"!!!
Sadly I will have to cut down the amount of long journeys I make, as financially things have changed dramatically. There are no bank shifts available at work for the forthcoming future (can't go into details why this has occurred - can't risk losing my full-time job!). I have been doing bank shifts on Sundays for over 11 years and I never expected it to stop and just when I have purchased a new car! I have downgraded my iphone 3gs today to a new 12 month contract for same amount of minutes/texts etc for half what I was paying monthly for keeping this 'old' phone. Was going to upgrade to the iphone 4s, but that won't be happening now. Was also going to treat myself to a RBA pager, that also sadly is going to be shelved. Bought myself a lottery ticket for Wednesday - didn't get a single number.
Woke up on Wednesday feeling sicky and feverish - went into work, got rapidly worse and HAD to leave just after lunch. I couldn't eat any lunch - always a sign that I am ill!! That's my sickness record up the spout again - just in case you didn't know, you are not allowed to be ill when you work for the NHS. I have been off work the rest of the week, lounging on the sofa under a rug and hot water bottles. Not actually been sick, but severe stomach cramps, lower back/kidney pain and temperature and extreme tiredness and no appetite at all. Lost a few pounds so far. Forced myself to make a proper dinner earlier this evening, but could only manage a third of it and threw the rest away (never do this normally). Oh well, with no shifts on Sunday at least I will have the whole weekend to recuperate!
Father is still ok – but not himself yet – I live in hope. Mother is struggling and this makes me sad, although I will be helping all I can. If only they had a bigger house, I would just move in! At long last she has given in to me picking her up each week to take her food shopping.
Monday, 23 April 2012
Bird News in Norfolk today!
Ring Ouzels, Ring Ouzels and more Ring Ouzels.
Redstart at Cley
Sacred Ibis on Burnham Overy Marshes
Green Winged Teal at Welney.
My mother saw a Lesser Whitethroat near the farm shop at Thornham this morning.
Redstart at Cley
Sacred Ibis on Burnham Overy Marshes
Green Winged Teal at Welney.
My mother saw a Lesser Whitethroat near the farm shop at Thornham this morning.
Norfolk - the new Hollywood!!!
House prices in Norfolk are going to rocket out of all proportion if this trend continues!!!
With Johnny Depp now living just outside Burnham Market and Keira Knightley looking for a home: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/4261016/Keira-Knightley-in-a-hunt-for-home-near-Johnny-Depp.html
Not that I am complaining at all, that there just be a tiny, tiny chance of actually bumping into Johnny Depp on my travels!!! When speaking to one of father's district's nurses at Burnham Market Surgery this week, she informed me that Johnny Depp has already been seen in the high street!!! Some of you are probably thinking.... 'so what' – SO WHAT!!!!!! Johnny Depp as the pirate with bins round his neck would be a perfect vision - what more could a girl want! You may laugh, but he may get into the birding scene and realise its cheaper than doing drugs and much more therapeutic - I'll keep dreaming!!!!!
With Johnny Depp now living just outside Burnham Market and Keira Knightley looking for a home: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/4261016/Keira-Knightley-in-a-hunt-for-home-near-Johnny-Depp.html
Not that I am complaining at all, that there just be a tiny, tiny chance of actually bumping into Johnny Depp on my travels!!! When speaking to one of father's district's nurses at Burnham Market Surgery this week, she informed me that Johnny Depp has already been seen in the high street!!! Some of you are probably thinking.... 'so what' – SO WHAT!!!!!! Johnny Depp as the pirate with bins round his neck would be a perfect vision - what more could a girl want! You may laugh, but he may get into the birding scene and realise its cheaper than doing drugs and much more therapeutic - I'll keep dreaming!!!!!
Jamiroquai's Jay Kay, lands on Blakeney Point!!!
Seriously!!! – I heard from someone that he landed on Blakeney Point by helicopter and asked "is this Brancaster"?
Also "scorching" around Snetterton in a Porsche 911.
Also "scorching" around Snetterton in a Porsche 911.
Saturday, 21 April 2012
East Bank Saves the Day!
Arrived at my parent's house to see how father was getting on, recuperating at home, when really he should be in hospital, but refused to go!!! He's not doing too badly considering his age.
It rained most of the day, in fact, no it was all day on and off. Heard my first Reed Warbler this year along with Sedge Warbler, Blackcap, Cettis's Warbler singing and 3 Bullfinches. I was not inspired to walk any further than the Fen Trail this morning. I walked round twice and then left. Dipped out on several birds today.
Burnham Norton – 1.00pm
Kestrel hovering, skylarks singing, 2 swallows skim over the marshes, 2 cettis' warblers singing, goldfinches just by the carpark, tufted duck and pochard, 3 pied wagtails, 2 marsh harriers, 2 grey partridges, canada and greylag geese, 2 little egrets and a blackcap singing.
Garden Drove - Western track, Warham
Parked the car up and waited for the rain to stop - my new car now looks old and muddy! Rob, who had just walked back from East Hills said he had had 3 Bramblings and also 6 Ring Ouzels along the track which had been around probably all day - he had just seen them again on the way back.
No birds seen whatsover along the track except for a nice male Blackcap in the copse at the end of the track. As I walked back up, Ashley had seen the 6 Ring Ouzels and pointed to the area that they had flown to. I followed the track west of the carparking area in search of the ouzels, but much searching produced nothing more than a few hares and pheasants!
House on the Hill, Blakeney – 4.15pm
Chaffinches and woodpigeons...... hmmmmm....... One day though I will have the 'House on the Hill Mega'!!! Best bird I found here so far was a Red-backed Shrike.
Walsey Hills NOA
At the end of the bottom path and looking back into the willows I watched 2 chiffchaffs, one of which had an oak leaf in its beak. Not alot else in here really. I heard that a Blue-headed Wagtail had been seen and photographed from Bishop's Hide this afternoon - here is the picture.
East Bank
The sun at last came out, just enough to bathe the reed beds in an orange glow. As I walked along I could hear sedge and reed warblers and also 3 bearded tits 'pinging' - one of them posed close by for a photo. There were loads of black-tailed godwits, a few bar-tailed godwits, ruff in different states of plumage and a single whimbrel feeding on Arnold's Marsh. A greenshank called and another whimbrel was seen on the way back. Bumped into Eddie and we stood listening for the Grasshopper Warbler heard reeling by other birders earlier, but no luck.
Daukes Hide NWT
No sun out now and poor light. Very little seen really, but a green sandpiper called.
As I left Cley via the Wiveton Road I had some lovely surprises - a little owl sat on a pole and a tawny owl took off from a wall a bit further along!!!
Got home late - work tomorrow.
Friday, 20 April 2012
Hunstanton Cliffs
Took Lucy to see father. Later on we had fish 'n' chips on the seafront at Hunstanton with the sun setting over the sea - a short walk along the cliff top gardens produced several house sparrows and a few blackbirds.
Thursday, 19 April 2012
My first Sedge Warbler singing this evening at NWT Holme Marsh Reserve along with a blackcap, chiffchaff, reed bunting, marsh harrier and tufted ducks with fluffy young chicks! Two Swallows also flew through east. It was a wonderful half an hour outside, away from all the stress of the past week.
Forgot to say that mother had a Cuckoo fly past her back door on Saturday afternoon.
See my previous post about the HBO Anniversary DVD and link here.
Forgot to say that mother had a Cuckoo fly past her back door on Saturday afternoon.
See my previous post about the HBO Anniversary DVD and link here.
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Not a normal day......
I had to cancel my shifts for today (yesterday) - I had no choice. I hate letting people down and especially when its my own ward where I should have been working on as a nursing auxiliary (my second job). One can only mentally cope with so much and I was needed today. My father was taken seriously ill and I have had so little sleep and have been in such a state that I feel I am losing my mind. I HAD to take time out today and late this afternoon I decided to go to Titchwell, just to get some air. I arrived in the carpark, but couldn't get out of the car - I just sat there. A robin flitted about in front of me and a cute little bank vole scurried along a branch. I shut my eyes - time passed and I eventually forced myself out of the car. I couldn't walk my normal speed and ambled along in a daze. It was sunny, but a bitterly cold north wind cut through you. There were 4 beautiful, summer plumage Spotted Redshanks amongst the usual waders, avocets etc. A magical scene of loads of swallows, house martins and sand martins skimming over the pools and also a Red-crested Pochard was seen distantly. From Parrinder hide there were shovelers, tufted ducks, teal, gadwall, shelducks, pied wagtails feeding along the muddy bank and a single greylag and canada goose grazing on the bank. Several brent geese, loads of avocets, gulls etc and also 2 Med gulls flew across the hide. I walked up to the beach and scanned the sea - seriously cold here and a sand storm blowing - saw a Red-breasted Merganser flying east, but little else aside from the usual sanderling, turnstones, gulls along the shoreline. Back at the carpark, several blackcaps were singing before I left.
Nature helps so much in difficult times. I would also like to thank Sophie, colleagues at work and friends for their support over the last few days X
Nature helps so much in difficult times. I would also like to thank Sophie, colleagues at work and friends for their support over the last few days X
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Snettisham Coastal Park for Sale!!!!!!!!!!
Just turned the computer on for 5 minutes for going to sleep - quick look at Birdforum and was horrified to see that someone had posted that Snettisham Coastal Park was sale. This is an absolutely brilliant place for migrants. The only reason I don't go there as much as I would like to is because there is so much dog crap there. Wouldn't it be absolutely perfect if someone bought it as a nature reserve and fenced it all round with no dogs allowed! But I expected it will be bought to stick caravans in - what a sickening thought!
Best bird in Norfolk today was a Black Guillemot sitting on the sea at Titchwell RSPB still early morning only. It had been there yesterday too. In normal circumstances I would have gone to see that last night - I would love to have seen that. Tons of Ring Ouzels around too when I read RBA.
Best bird in Norfolk today was a Black Guillemot sitting on the sea at Titchwell RSPB still early morning only. It had been there yesterday too. In normal circumstances I would have gone to see that last night - I would love to have seen that. Tons of Ring Ouzels around too when I read RBA.
One of the most stressful days of my life!
I am too mentally and physically exhausted to say what's been going on the last couple of days..... update later........ only had 5 hours sleep last night. Going to bed.
Friday, 13 April 2012
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Millionaire's - URGENT APPEAL PLEASE!!!!
POPE'S MARSH, Cley is for sale, adjacent to the 'Norfolk Wildlife Trust' Reserve.
PLEASE can someone buy this and donate it to the NWT. It would be catastrophic if this was bought and used for any other reason other than preserving it for wildlife. Just reading the 'Description' on the following link makes me shudder!
"The ponds are situated in such a way that they offer a range of wildfowling flights......
There are temporary timber hides and shelters......." !!!!!!!!!!
See Steve's appeal here:
PLEASE can someone buy this and donate it to the NWT. It would be catastrophic if this was bought and used for any other reason other than preserving it for wildlife. Just reading the 'Description' on the following link makes me shudder!
"The ponds are situated in such a way that they offer a range of wildfowling flights......
There are temporary timber hides and shelters......." !!!!!!!!!!
See Steve's appeal here:
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
I decided after yesterday's stressful day of crowds, traffic and stress that Blakeney Point would be a wonderful place to escape from everything and everyone! This was my first walk here this year and it was a spectacular day! Just before I left home I noticed that someone had found 7 Ring Ouzels at 'The Hangs' at Cley, so I decided to start here, before walking the 'Point'.
Walsey Hills NOA and 'The Hangs'
Parked the car at Walsey Hills. A beautiful sunny day, but dramatic dark clouds were looming! Cettis's Warbler singing as soon as I got out of the car. I walked along the bottom path and along the field edge up to 'The Hangs'. Lots of insects buzzing around the blackthorn blossom along the path, including honey and bumble bees. I spotted birders before I saw Ring Ouzels! At the end of the path, there is a furrowed field on your left with a grass strip running down along the hedge and there they were, 5 stunning male Ring Ouzels (phoned through to RBA) at 10.45am – beautiful to see, but sadly much too far away to be photographed. I found a Wheatear in the field which was an added bonus. Eddie sent me a text to say he had heard a Sedge Warbler this morning. Nothing else much seen on route back to the car. Went to the 'NWT Visitor centre' and had another cheese scone – oh dear! Pat told me someone had had a House Martin this morning in Cley. Parked the car at Coastguards and packed up my BP rucksack!
Blakeney Point – 12pm-5.15pm
The sun was still shining and skies were blue – it was a beautiful, tranquil day and there was no one walking in front or behind me as I trudged along the shingle to 'Halfway House'. My first Swallows of the year twisted and turned past me, low over the seuda bushes – 3 of them going west at 12.30pm. A nice male Wheatear appeared and this was one of many on my walk. Several meadow pipits, male and female reed buntings and a few hedgesparrows and flocks of linnets. Tons of pristine white Sandwich Terns flying west to 'Far Point' – I just love their calls – a real feeling of long, hot summer days. Found a dead juv. gannet on route. 1 Kestrel flew past. 11 Swallows were seen in all on my walk, all going west. At 'Halfway House' I could see 5 Wheatears all sitting on the roof of the house!!! They all looked so chilled, sunning themselves on the roof! I sat at the new picnic table outside the house to have my lunch. A particularly beautiful male Wheatear decided he wanted to be famous and almost ran towards me to have his picture taken – very obliging! 14 Wheatears were seen throughout the walk. Other birds seen in this area were 9 curlew, 7 brent geese and a marsh harrier. As I sat having my lunch I could see what I presumed was a peregrine sitting on the shingle, distantly – it remained sitting there for the next half an hour. I left 'Halfway House' and as I approached the supposed peregrine (still very distant) it turned out to be a Merlin, although I confess I did not realise this until my distant, fuzzy pictures were ID'd in the evening by Eddie and Andy! When I took the pictures and looked at the camera at the time, I was pretty sure it was just a kestrel – wrong twice!!! Back to birding school Penelope! Note: Simeon and Joseph saw this/a merlin on BP yesterday, see their account here. I continued walking to the 'Plantation'. At the Tamarisk by the building I had two Chiffchaffs together at 3pm, but they skulked low in the bush and didn't wish to be photographed. In the 'Plantation' I saw absolutely nothing. I sat on the log by the shed and watched the 'Lupin' area – lots of linnets and meadow pipits here. It was really hot now – a real sun trap! A wheatear appeared from round the corner of the shed and landed inches from me! Shortly after this I spotted 4 Wheatears lined up on the one of the shed roofs!
I decided to be sensible and left the 'Plantation' at 4pm and walked back along the beach to Coastguards. A continuous stream of sandwich terns flying west on route and a common seal was also seen. The skies looked pretty scary now – large, ominous black clouds loomed over my head. I expected to get drenched. A rainbow formed over the sea and it appeared to be pouring with rain inland. I was very, very lucky. I managed to get back to the car without a spot of rain falling! Got back to the carpark at 5.15pm. I collapsed in the car and had a coffee.
Daukes' Hide – NWT – 6pm-8.20pm
It was nice to sit down in the hide! Andy J. and Eddie also here (Eddie had seen 4 Ring Ouzels at 'The Hangs' this evening). 3 Sand Martins going west past 'North Hide' - my first this year and another 3 later on and also 4 Swallows. A Short-eared Owl flew over the reed bed at 6.30pm and also a barn owl a bit later. 4 Spoonbills were seen, 2 right in front of the hide! 2 Little ringed Plovers landed briefly on 'Simmond's Scrape'. Other birds seen were: black-tailed godwits and also 2 bar-tailed godwits, several ruff, 6 pochard, shovelers, teal, shelducks, greylags, pintails, lots of avocets, redshanks, black-headed gulls, herring gulls, 5 marsh harriers, 7 little egrets, Cettis's Warbler singing, a snipe, 2 knot, a mute swan and a squealing water rail as I walked back along the boardwalk at 8.20pm! Left at 8.30pm and arrived home at 9.30pm! Back to work tomorrow.
Main birds of note seen in Norfolk today (RBA):
Lots of Ring Ouzels, a Cuckoo at Heacham, Sedge Warbler at Cley (heard by ETM), Hoopoe remains at Waxham, Osprey and Swift seen at Titchwell RSPB, Osprey at Alysham, Hooded Crow at Trimingham.
Walsey Hills NOA and 'The Hangs'
Parked the car at Walsey Hills. A beautiful sunny day, but dramatic dark clouds were looming! Cettis's Warbler singing as soon as I got out of the car. I walked along the bottom path and along the field edge up to 'The Hangs'. Lots of insects buzzing around the blackthorn blossom along the path, including honey and bumble bees. I spotted birders before I saw Ring Ouzels! At the end of the path, there is a furrowed field on your left with a grass strip running down along the hedge and there they were, 5 stunning male Ring Ouzels (phoned through to RBA) at 10.45am – beautiful to see, but sadly much too far away to be photographed. I found a Wheatear in the field which was an added bonus. Eddie sent me a text to say he had heard a Sedge Warbler this morning. Nothing else much seen on route back to the car. Went to the 'NWT Visitor centre' and had another cheese scone – oh dear! Pat told me someone had had a House Martin this morning in Cley. Parked the car at Coastguards and packed up my BP rucksack!
Blakeney Point – 12pm-5.15pm
The sun was still shining and skies were blue – it was a beautiful, tranquil day and there was no one walking in front or behind me as I trudged along the shingle to 'Halfway House'. My first Swallows of the year twisted and turned past me, low over the seuda bushes – 3 of them going west at 12.30pm. A nice male Wheatear appeared and this was one of many on my walk. Several meadow pipits, male and female reed buntings and a few hedgesparrows and flocks of linnets. Tons of pristine white Sandwich Terns flying west to 'Far Point' – I just love their calls – a real feeling of long, hot summer days. Found a dead juv. gannet on route. 1 Kestrel flew past. 11 Swallows were seen in all on my walk, all going west. At 'Halfway House' I could see 5 Wheatears all sitting on the roof of the house!!! They all looked so chilled, sunning themselves on the roof! I sat at the new picnic table outside the house to have my lunch. A particularly beautiful male Wheatear decided he wanted to be famous and almost ran towards me to have his picture taken – very obliging! 14 Wheatears were seen throughout the walk. Other birds seen in this area were 9 curlew, 7 brent geese and a marsh harrier. As I sat having my lunch I could see what I presumed was a peregrine sitting on the shingle, distantly – it remained sitting there for the next half an hour. I left 'Halfway House' and as I approached the supposed peregrine (still very distant) it turned out to be a Merlin, although I confess I did not realise this until my distant, fuzzy pictures were ID'd in the evening by Eddie and Andy! When I took the pictures and looked at the camera at the time, I was pretty sure it was just a kestrel – wrong twice!!! Back to birding school Penelope! Note: Simeon and Joseph saw this/a merlin on BP yesterday, see their account here. I continued walking to the 'Plantation'. At the Tamarisk by the building I had two Chiffchaffs together at 3pm, but they skulked low in the bush and didn't wish to be photographed. In the 'Plantation' I saw absolutely nothing. I sat on the log by the shed and watched the 'Lupin' area – lots of linnets and meadow pipits here. It was really hot now – a real sun trap! A wheatear appeared from round the corner of the shed and landed inches from me! Shortly after this I spotted 4 Wheatears lined up on the one of the shed roofs!
I decided to be sensible and left the 'Plantation' at 4pm and walked back along the beach to Coastguards. A continuous stream of sandwich terns flying west on route and a common seal was also seen. The skies looked pretty scary now – large, ominous black clouds loomed over my head. I expected to get drenched. A rainbow formed over the sea and it appeared to be pouring with rain inland. I was very, very lucky. I managed to get back to the car without a spot of rain falling! Got back to the carpark at 5.15pm. I collapsed in the car and had a coffee.
Daukes' Hide – NWT – 6pm-8.20pm
It was nice to sit down in the hide! Andy J. and Eddie also here (Eddie had seen 4 Ring Ouzels at 'The Hangs' this evening). 3 Sand Martins going west past 'North Hide' - my first this year and another 3 later on and also 4 Swallows. A Short-eared Owl flew over the reed bed at 6.30pm and also a barn owl a bit later. 4 Spoonbills were seen, 2 right in front of the hide! 2 Little ringed Plovers landed briefly on 'Simmond's Scrape'. Other birds seen were: black-tailed godwits and also 2 bar-tailed godwits, several ruff, 6 pochard, shovelers, teal, shelducks, greylags, pintails, lots of avocets, redshanks, black-headed gulls, herring gulls, 5 marsh harriers, 7 little egrets, Cettis's Warbler singing, a snipe, 2 knot, a mute swan and a squealing water rail as I walked back along the boardwalk at 8.20pm! Left at 8.30pm and arrived home at 9.30pm! Back to work tomorrow.
Main birds of note seen in Norfolk today (RBA):
Lots of Ring Ouzels, a Cuckoo at Heacham, Sedge Warbler at Cley (heard by ETM), Hoopoe remains at Waxham, Osprey and Swift seen at Titchwell RSPB, Osprey at Alysham, Hooded Crow at Trimingham.
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
This week has not gone to plan at all. I have been sorting loads of errands/jobs etc out, which very annoyingly has resulted in no birding whatsoever! Not good at all. I WILL be out tomorrow however!
One of the neighbours decided to get a whole team of men in, to chainsaw their trees down - WHY do they do this in the spring!!!
Upgraded my 'Orange' pay as you go phone today to one that has 'Bluetooth' and this is now linked to the car along with the 'vodafone' iphone - I just love technology!
Went into town to pay my electric and gas bill in my bank to discover at least 50+ people in the queue – why do banks send their staff out to lunch at the same time as their customers come into the bank in their lunch hour – surely they could stagger their lunches!!!!! Lots of people were complaining. I was parked in a 30 minute space, so had to find another space and re-parked the car in a 60 minute space and walked back to join the massive queue – what a waste of time! I then drove to my garage via London Road to ask them to help me to link my new phone to the car – it took at least half an hour because of massive road works on London Road – not a happy day at all. My car insurance company tried to scam me for another £68 – reckoned I hadn't told them the correct information and after I wrote them a stinking email saying I HAD and that if I had to pay it I wanted a refund immediately and I would find another insurer – they emailed back saying they had listened to my phone conversations that I had had when I took out the insurance and that I was right and their sincere apologies etc etc!!!! PHEW!!!!!
Birds seen in Norfolk today (RBA):
Hoopoe remains at Waxham and another seen at Sheringham. Passage of Swallows and Sand Martins going through today. Ring Ouzels at Heacham, Blofield and Winterton, 3 Waxwings in Norwich, 2 little terns and 3 little gulls at Barton Broad.
One of the neighbours decided to get a whole team of men in, to chainsaw their trees down - WHY do they do this in the spring!!!
Upgraded my 'Orange' pay as you go phone today to one that has 'Bluetooth' and this is now linked to the car along with the 'vodafone' iphone - I just love technology!
Went into town to pay my electric and gas bill in my bank to discover at least 50+ people in the queue – why do banks send their staff out to lunch at the same time as their customers come into the bank in their lunch hour – surely they could stagger their lunches!!!!! Lots of people were complaining. I was parked in a 30 minute space, so had to find another space and re-parked the car in a 60 minute space and walked back to join the massive queue – what a waste of time! I then drove to my garage via London Road to ask them to help me to link my new phone to the car – it took at least half an hour because of massive road works on London Road – not a happy day at all. My car insurance company tried to scam me for another £68 – reckoned I hadn't told them the correct information and after I wrote them a stinking email saying I HAD and that if I had to pay it I wanted a refund immediately and I would find another insurer – they emailed back saying they had listened to my phone conversations that I had had when I took out the insurance and that I was right and their sincere apologies etc etc!!!! PHEW!!!!!
Birds seen in Norfolk today (RBA):
Hoopoe remains at Waxham and another seen at Sheringham. Passage of Swallows and Sand Martins going through today. Ring Ouzels at Heacham, Blofield and Winterton, 3 Waxwings in Norwich, 2 little terns and 3 little gulls at Barton Broad.
Monday, 9 April 2012
Bird News in Norfolk today
From Rare Bird Alert
Hoopoe at Waxham Sands Holiday Park.
Serin with linnets at Waxham Sands Holiday Park, but flew south.
Great Grey Shrike remains at Northrepps.
Hoopoe at Waxham Sands Holiday Park.
Serin with linnets at Waxham Sands Holiday Park, but flew south.
Great Grey Shrike remains at Northrepps.
Holme Bird Observatory 50th Anniversary!
Founded 6th September 1962 by Peter Clarke and Graham Byford. Graham left after 4 months (long story!) and my father remained Warden until January 1994. Father worked 7 days a week throughout the year, only having Christmas day off! I was Assistant Warden during weekends and school holidays (that was a long time ago!) I could write loads more, but I will update at a later date.
Sophie Barker is Warden at present and the NOA has produced an anniversary DVD on sale this April. I have emailed Sophie as I can't find anything about it on the NOA website – I will link it when its added.
Itinerary of events here: http://www.noa.org.uk/
Sophie Barker is Warden at present and the NOA has produced an anniversary DVD on sale this April. I have emailed Sophie as I can't find anything about it on the NOA website – I will link it when its added.
Itinerary of events here: http://www.noa.org.uk/
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Blakeney Point - 100th Anniversary!!!
There will be special events to mark the 100th anniversary of Blakeney Point!!!
The following information extracted from the 'The Norfolk Guardian' newspaper:
"The reserve has been in the care of the National Trust for 100 years. Blakeney Point was the first nature reserve in Norfolk, acquired in 1912 following a public appeal led by Professor Francis Oliver from University College London. Prof. Oliver recognised the need to protect its unique habitat and wildlife and with the financial sup- port from Charles Rothschild, a banker and entomologist, and other benefactors, the unique stretch of coastline was handed to the National Trust in the same year for its ongoing protection......"
See the pdf version and go to page 18 of The Norfolk Coast Guardian which is published annually. http://www.norfolkcoastaonb.org.uk/pages/pspage.php?PageID=637
The following information extracted from the 'The Norfolk Guardian' newspaper:
"The reserve has been in the care of the National Trust for 100 years. Blakeney Point was the first nature reserve in Norfolk, acquired in 1912 following a public appeal led by Professor Francis Oliver from University College London. Prof. Oliver recognised the need to protect its unique habitat and wildlife and with the financial sup- port from Charles Rothschild, a banker and entomologist, and other benefactors, the unique stretch of coastline was handed to the National Trust in the same year for its ongoing protection......"
See the pdf version and go to page 18 of The Norfolk Coast Guardian which is published annually. http://www.norfolkcoastaonb.org.uk/pages/pspage.php?PageID=637
Migrants trickling in!
Several Ring Ouzels arriving in Norfolk today, which means there will probably be some at NWT Ringstead Downs - they just love this place! Also first sedge warbler at Titchwell RSPB and also at Cley. Great Grey Shrike remains at Northrepps.
I worked all day, so no birding today – apart from what I saw at work! The weather has been dire here – rainy and cold and not a glimmer of sunshine, not even for a minute. Whilst sitting in my car for my break between shifts I spotted what I thought was a chiffchaff – but it just looked different, and yes I know the 'browns' can vary, but it had a shorter tail, more dumpy and a paler throat/breast. I saw this bird for moments only, before it disappeared – typical! Also watched a great spotted woodpecker directly in front of me in the pouring rain.
8th April 2011 – the White-spotted Bluethroat returned to Welney – will it return again this year I wonder!!?
I worked all day, so no birding today – apart from what I saw at work! The weather has been dire here – rainy and cold and not a glimmer of sunshine, not even for a minute. Whilst sitting in my car for my break between shifts I spotted what I thought was a chiffchaff – but it just looked different, and yes I know the 'browns' can vary, but it had a shorter tail, more dumpy and a paler throat/breast. I saw this bird for moments only, before it disappeared – typical! Also watched a great spotted woodpecker directly in front of me in the pouring rain.
8th April 2011 – the White-spotted Bluethroat returned to Welney – will it return again this year I wonder!!?
Saturday, 7 April 2012
12 Hours Birding!
Walsey Hills NOA
Torrential rain on route to Cley this morning. Arrived at Walsey Hills just before 8am. Nothing to get the heart racing, but a good mix: 1 Bullfinch sitting prettily in the blackthorn blossom, Cettis's Warbler, 2 Chiffchaffs singing, 2 Marsh Harriers, 8 Shelduck, 15 Curlew, 2 Greylag Geese, several robins, greenfinches, goldfinches, chaffinches, blue and great tits, 2 long tailed tits and a few hedge sparrows.
Coastguards – Only stopped here briefly – not much seen.
Cley NWT Visitor Centre – 3 Spoonbills on Pat's Pool (10.30am) and a scrumptious, hot cheese scone with butter – long overdue!
Gramborough Hill – Meadow Pipits and a few hedge sparrows.
Little Eye – 2 Wheatears, 6 linnets, 2 ringed plovers and 20 turnstones.
Cley NWT Visitor Centre – Lunch here, which was a massive mistake – packed full of people like sardines!
Kelling Water Meadows
1 song thrush, 3 pied wagtails, goldinches, robin, 1 egyptian goose, 2 shelduck, black-headed and common gulls, teal, tons of woodpigeons, 2 snipe, 1 little egret, skylark singing, lapwing, oystercatchers, magpie and 1 hare lolloping across the daisies amongst the cows and skipping calves. Eddie kindly phoned me to say there was a Red Kite over Arnold's Marsh going west at 2.25pm – I could just about make it out from the shingle bank. My first Sand Martins of the year, two of them over the pool at 2.50pm. I spent a long time here trying to conjure up a yellow wagtail, but failed.
Kelling Tearooms and bookshop – very scrummy coffee cake £1.50 to take away – bargain!
Walsey Hills NOA – 2 Spoonbills not far from the road, just before the carpark in the now glorious sunshine! Walked around Walsey again. Found a bee-fly on the alexander at the end of the bottom path and an unidentifiable caterpillar (took pic). Blackcap singing along with a chiffchaff and a pair of bullfinches. I sat on the seat at the top of the steps and attempted to snooze in the sunshine.
Daukes Hide - NWT
A beautiful, sunny evening. 3 Spoonbills – wonderful views of these flying across Pat's Pool. Good selection of birds including: Pintail, avocets, wigeon, pochard, gadwall, mallard, teal, shoveler, shelduck, black headed gulls, herring gulls, Med gull (heard only), several marsh harriers, little egrets, redshanks, black-tailed godwits, cetti's warbler, pied wagtails etc. Left here at 8pm!
Torrential rain on route to Cley this morning. Arrived at Walsey Hills just before 8am. Nothing to get the heart racing, but a good mix: 1 Bullfinch sitting prettily in the blackthorn blossom, Cettis's Warbler, 2 Chiffchaffs singing, 2 Marsh Harriers, 8 Shelduck, 15 Curlew, 2 Greylag Geese, several robins, greenfinches, goldfinches, chaffinches, blue and great tits, 2 long tailed tits and a few hedge sparrows.
Coastguards – Only stopped here briefly – not much seen.
Cley NWT Visitor Centre – 3 Spoonbills on Pat's Pool (10.30am) and a scrumptious, hot cheese scone with butter – long overdue!
Gramborough Hill – Meadow Pipits and a few hedge sparrows.
Little Eye – 2 Wheatears, 6 linnets, 2 ringed plovers and 20 turnstones.
Cley NWT Visitor Centre – Lunch here, which was a massive mistake – packed full of people like sardines!
Kelling Water Meadows
1 song thrush, 3 pied wagtails, goldinches, robin, 1 egyptian goose, 2 shelduck, black-headed and common gulls, teal, tons of woodpigeons, 2 snipe, 1 little egret, skylark singing, lapwing, oystercatchers, magpie and 1 hare lolloping across the daisies amongst the cows and skipping calves. Eddie kindly phoned me to say there was a Red Kite over Arnold's Marsh going west at 2.25pm – I could just about make it out from the shingle bank. My first Sand Martins of the year, two of them over the pool at 2.50pm. I spent a long time here trying to conjure up a yellow wagtail, but failed.
Kelling Tearooms and bookshop – very scrummy coffee cake £1.50 to take away – bargain!
Walsey Hills NOA – 2 Spoonbills not far from the road, just before the carpark in the now glorious sunshine! Walked around Walsey again. Found a bee-fly on the alexander at the end of the bottom path and an unidentifiable caterpillar (took pic). Blackcap singing along with a chiffchaff and a pair of bullfinches. I sat on the seat at the top of the steps and attempted to snooze in the sunshine.
Daukes Hide - NWT
A beautiful, sunny evening. 3 Spoonbills – wonderful views of these flying across Pat's Pool. Good selection of birds including: Pintail, avocets, wigeon, pochard, gadwall, mallard, teal, shoveler, shelduck, black headed gulls, herring gulls, Med gull (heard only), several marsh harriers, little egrets, redshanks, black-tailed godwits, cetti's warbler, pied wagtails etc. Left here at 8pm!
Thursday, 5 April 2012
At last!!!!!! Time off work – Good Friday and Saturday off, working on Sunday and then Bank Holiday Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off – fabulous!!!
I am so sad – only had the car under two weeks and tonight I washed it!!! I am sure I won't keep that up! I realised how short I am, when I couldn't reach the centre of the car roof to wash it – I didn't have a problem with the Hyundai Coupe as it was such a low car!!! I will have to find a box or step to stand on next time! I have continued to cycle to work in the week, as it saves money and also stress trying to get the car in and out of the drive.
Its been such a diverse week with the weather – from uncannily hot weather and then back to cold, wintery conditions – yesterday it poured with rain all day and today it was sunny all day. What will tomorrow bring? Well, studying the forecast it looks like sunshine most of the morning and then developing into cloudy/rainy conditions from then on. The whole weekend doesn't exactly look too cracky, but hey ho!
I succumbed to buying hotcross buns from Tescos this evening - oh dear!
and Happy Birding!
Birds seen in Norfolk today – Rare Bird Alert:
Great Grey Shrike, Southrepps found by Mark Golley whilst on the train!
Red Kite, Fakenham
Four Garganey, Hockwold Washes
Ring Ouzel, Gore Point, Holme
Black Redstart, Gorleston
Sacred Ibis, Welney
Water Pipit, Titchwell RSPB
Other birds of note this week were an Osprey flying west along the beach at Holme on the 3rd April, a Glaucous Gull at Sheringham on the 2nd April and a Richard's Pipit at Kelling on the 1st April.
I am so sad – only had the car under two weeks and tonight I washed it!!! I am sure I won't keep that up! I realised how short I am, when I couldn't reach the centre of the car roof to wash it – I didn't have a problem with the Hyundai Coupe as it was such a low car!!! I will have to find a box or step to stand on next time! I have continued to cycle to work in the week, as it saves money and also stress trying to get the car in and out of the drive.
Its been such a diverse week with the weather – from uncannily hot weather and then back to cold, wintery conditions – yesterday it poured with rain all day and today it was sunny all day. What will tomorrow bring? Well, studying the forecast it looks like sunshine most of the morning and then developing into cloudy/rainy conditions from then on. The whole weekend doesn't exactly look too cracky, but hey ho!
I succumbed to buying hotcross buns from Tescos this evening - oh dear!

Birds seen in Norfolk today – Rare Bird Alert:
Great Grey Shrike, Southrepps found by Mark Golley whilst on the train!
Red Kite, Fakenham
Four Garganey, Hockwold Washes
Ring Ouzel, Gore Point, Holme
Black Redstart, Gorleston
Sacred Ibis, Welney
Water Pipit, Titchwell RSPB
Other birds of note this week were an Osprey flying west along the beach at Holme on the 3rd April, a Glaucous Gull at Sheringham on the 2nd April and a Richard's Pipit at Kelling on the 1st April.
Monday, 2 April 2012
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Orange Underwing
In my lunchbreak at work today I watched an Orange Underwing feeding in the tops of the birch trees.
Richard's Pipit at Kelling!
Richard's Pipit at Kelling today for fourth day apparently. Pictures here:
Stultus mensis singing loudly at an undisclosed location in King"s Lynn this morning. One in Sheringham also I note on BF"s Norfolk thread!!!! Must be an influx!!!!
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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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