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Tuesday 30 June 2020


Outbreak plan reveals how coronavirus lockdowns could work in Norfolk

Routine appointments return to hospital

Barbecues, a deck chair and a burnt nappy - the trash heap collected from one mile of beach

Coronavirus: Fauci warns of 100,000 US cases per day

 Coronavirus Evening Update

Total Deaths in the UK now stands at 43,730 – an increase of 155 since yesterday. Total confirmed cases now at 312, 654.


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Turtle Dove, Spoonbill, Little Gull at Cley NWT
Spotted Redshanks x 2 at Snettisham RSPB
Common Cranes x 2 at Welney WWT
Turtle Doves x 2, Spoonbills x 3 at South Beach, Heacham
Hooded Crow at Hemsby
Wood Sandpiper, Great White Egret, Spoonbills x 7 at Potter Heigham Marshes
Osprey at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB

At Tyninghame, 2 miles west of Dunbar, Lothian, Scotland

RBA Weekly Round-Up 23rd to 29th June!

By Jon Dunn

Sunday 28 June 2020

Saturday 27 June 2020


This morning I had a Specsavers appointment for my broken glasses (arm fell off last night, spring gone) and because I bought them in 2017, I couldn't buy the same frames again and neither did they have a spare arm in their odds box. Such a pity, as I loved my blue Hilfiger glasses. I then spent an hour choosing another frame!

Its been raining on and off all day and its cooler than it has been, thank goodness. I hardly slept last night because of the sticky heat, so made up for today!

Conservationist fills entire skip with rubbish left by sun seekers on Norfolk beach

Duchess of Cambridge ‘blown away’ by Norwich family’s bravery during visit to children’s hospice

Police urge responsible tourism after littering and illegal parking along coast and Broads

Google tracking shows where Norfolk people went during lockdown

Holiday bookings 'explode' as travel restrictions ease

Mass brawl at Ogmore-by-Sea after hundreds gather

Florida and Texas reverse reopening as infections surge


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Little Gulls x 5, Spotted Redshank at Cley NWT
Spotted Redshank at Buckenham Marshes RSPB
Honey Buzzard at Woodton
Turtle Dove at Weybourne
Honey Buzzard Hanworth

At Tyninghame, 2 miles west of Dunbar, Lothian, Scotland 
Possible, sound recorded at 12.59, flew over near Scarborough, Yorkshire

Friday 26 June 2020


A couple of days ago, I had one of the most welcome telephone calls....... my hairdresser rang AND made an appointment for me!!!!!!! 😂 💇👏

I can't believe that I still can't take my sister Lucy out in my car, even after the 4th July. Its so unfair. Because she lives with 10 others and they are all classed as 'vulnerable' according to the manager, where she lives. By the time she is allowed out, we'll be on a second lockdown and back to square one! Going to The Walks in King's Lynn is not somewhere we're enthralled to visit again! Its really upsetting, especially when Lucy said that "it would be nice to go to the beach". She has not been out of King's Lynn since lock down began over three months ago.

Its been another sticky hot day – a few spots of rain and STILL no thunderstorm to break this intense heat up. I expect it will occur at some unearthly hour, like 3am!

Cutting edge technology used to create programme to prepare for second wave

Police break up group of 70 youths swimming in river

Seven facts about Broads reptiles as survey starts

UK to open up European holidays from 6 July

PM warns over virus rules after beach crowds


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Little Gulls x 2, Spotted Redshank, Spoonbill at Cley NWT
Great White Egret, Wood Sandpiper, Spotted Redshanks x 4, Knot, Spoonbill, Common Cranes x 2 at Hickling Broad NWT
Roseate Tern, Turtle Dove, Spotted Redshanks x 4, Little Gull at Snettisham RSPB
Wood Sandpiper at North Point Pools, Wells
Caspian Gull flew past Weybourne Camp
Wood Sandpiper at Welney WWT
Great White Egret at Dickleburgh Moor

On Monday – on beach, then taken into care and died at Tramore Bay, County Waterford, Ireland

Thursday 25 June 2020



I didn't leave my house at all – as many of you know, I'm not a lover of boiling hot weather! I have only seen a couple of rats since removing all the bird feeders and water, but I'm not putting things back out again until I see no rats – I can't ever go through what I witnessed recently again!

Hottest day of the year as heatwave continues

‘The regulars are loving it’ - Summer arrives as hundreds flock to coast

People urged to take Test and Trace system seriously to stem virus

Coronavirus: Prof Chris Whitty warns public over gatherings in hot weather

Thousands flock to south coast

Coronavirus: Police fear disorder as lockdown eases

Coronavirus: Tracers ask over 100,000 to self-isolate

Why is UK recycling being dumped by Turkish roadsides?

Coronavirus: 'Very significant' resurgences in Europe alarm WHO

Coronavirus: Evening update as European cases grow and tempers fray on UK beaches


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Balearic Shearwaters x 5 (probable), flew past Sheringham
Red-footed Falcon fem. flew over St. Olaves
Turtle Dove at Snettisham RSPB
Spoonbills x 22 at Stiffkey Fen
Great White Egret at Dickleburgh Moor
Spoonbill, Spotted Redshanks x 2 on Broadwater at Holme
Spoonbills x 3 flew over Blakeney Point
Marsh Warbler in area with no general access at Hickling

Lady's Island Lake, County Wexford, Ireland




Its been insanely hot today. I have had all the windows shut to keep the heat out and all curtains drawn. This evening I opened all the windows at about 10pm to let some cool air in and someone, somewhere just decided to light a bloody bonfire – they have waited until it’s dark so nobody can see where it’s coming from! How utterly selfish can people get on the hottest day of the year!!! Unbelievably nasty! I might get in the car and drive round – I won’t hesitate in asking them to put it out – why should I be awake all night in a boiling house with no windows open?!!! Buy a shredder, use bin or go to the dump – it’s wrong to light fires in a built up area and even more so when it’s this hot!!!!! The smell is revolting, so I expect they are burning something dodgy! 😡😡😡😡😡

Fears of second spike as people flock to Norfolk coast

Norfolk touches 30C on hottest day of the year

Fire near National Trust landmark takes five hours to extinguish

Weather warning in place for thunderstorms and flooding this weekend

Heatwave health warning as sun beats down

Human trial of new vaccine begins in UK

Wednesday UK's hottest day of the year so far as heatwave continues

Man paralysed in Taser fall says race made him a target

Why are gyms and swimming pools still closed? And other questions

Wednesday 24 June 2020


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Spoonbills x 4 at Ken Hill Marsh, Snettisham
Wood Sandpipers x 3 at Welney WWT
Spoonbills x 19 at Stiffkey Fen
Wood Sandpiper at North Point Pools, Wells

In garden near Cwrtnewydd, 5 miles from Lampeter, Ceredigion, Wales
Lady's Island Lake, County Wexford, Ireland



Before the heat hit, I went for a half an hour walk at Snettisham Coastal Park this morning. Saw and heard three Turtle Doves, which were my first this year – lovely to hear them purring away to each other. I was startled when I heard horses neighing and walking further on, I could see that there were four big traveller/gypsy caravans parked up in the car park and several horses were tethered up – I don't think they are supposed to be there, I'm sure someone official knows! Also saw a pair of Bullfinches fly across my path, heard Blackcaps, Whitethroats and Cetti's Warblers singing. I sat on the sea wall for a short while and watched large flocks of Oystercathcers flying west, along with Sandwich Terns, Black-headed Gulls, Cormorants, a Fulmar and a Seal bobbing in the waves. It was lovely, but far too hot and left to return home.

I have a serious rat situation in my garden again, far worse than earlier in the year and I have had no choice but to remove all my bird feeders and empty all my bird ponds yesterday – this is utterly heart breaking to have to do, but I have no choice. I may need to call in some professional help to sort this. I have never had to experience anything like this before – its out of control. My usual bird visitors to the garden looked in disbelief when they all arrived at where their usual feeders would be. Its got so bad that some of the rats have literally been chasing the birds away, so they could dominate the feeders and even kicked the Starlings off!!! I can't leave the patio door open, not even a inch and certainly can't sit outside in the patio, I can't believe this is happening. I have heard that rats are extra bad this year, that's an understatement. I also know that one of my work colleagues who lives on the same estate as me, said one of her neighbours had to call in someone as she had the same problem.

On Monday I requested and had another GP telephone appointment with my favourite doctor (never met the last one before, who thought I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and discussed my situation and a new path is now being taken, as neither of us thought I had CFS, so at least I can move forward now and hopefully get back to work as soon as possible, when I'm feeling a bit more normal!

The areas with the highest and lowest number of coronavirus deaths

Prime minister encourages people to take staycation in Norfolk

Holidays and two households meeting indoors - what do the new lockdown rules mean?

Lockdown latest - which businesses must stay closed?

Coastguard called after people become cut off by the tide at Scolt Head

Norfolk braced for heatwave with temperatures set to top 30C

Owner’s plea for help tracking down ‘escapologist’ parrot

Lockdown to be relaxed in England as 2m rule eased

Daily Downing Street press conference scrapped

Coronavirus: Warning thousands could be left with lung damage


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Spoonbills x 23 at Stiffkey Fen
Wood Sandpiper at North Point Pools, Wells
Spoonbills x 2 at Snettisham RSPB
Spoonbill at Holme
Wood Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank at Cley NWT
Honey Buzzard flew over garden at Ringland
Turtle Dove at South Beach, Heacham

Lady's Island Lake, County Wexford, Ireland

RBA Weekly Round-Up 16th to 23rd June!

By Jon Dunn

Monday 22 June 2020


Emergency food boxes to be distributed in wake of ‘devastating’ supermarket fire

Poppy field on outskirts of Norwich becomes social media phenomenon

Stonehenge: Neolithic monument found near sacred site

Reading stabbings: Victims were 'true gentlemen'

Coronavirus: Confirmed cases in UK fall to pre-lockdown level

Coronavirus: Shielding to stop at end of July in England

What has life been like at a zoo since lockdown?

Glastonbury Festival: 50 years of memories 

Arctic Circle sees 'highest-ever' recorded temperatures


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Turtle Dove at Kelling Heath
Spoonbills x 25 at Stiffkey Fen
Wood Sandpiper at North Point Pools, Wells
Little Gull flew past beach car park at Cley
Caspian Gull, Little Gulls x 3 at Cley NWT
Spoonbill at Holme
Red-footed Falcon flew over Upwell
Spoonbills x 4 at Potter Heigham Marshes
Garganey, Great White Egret at Welney WWT

Fair Isle, Shetland
Lady's Island Lake, County Wexford, Ireland

Sunday 21 June 2020


Shocking sight of smouldering remains of Budgens at Holt

Man fought with pitbulls that shook his Chihuahua like a ‘rag-doll’

Reading stabbings: Town left reeling by 'horrific' attack

Coronavirus: Johnson to announce 4 July re-openings on Tuesday

'Racism protests do not get to the root of the problem'

Rare solar eclipse darkens Asia on the summer solstice


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Spoonbill at Breydon Water
Little Gulls x 5, Wood Sandpipers x 3, Spoonbill, Spotted Redshank at Cley NWT
Little Gulls x 7 off beach car park at Cley
Turtle Dove, Spoonbills x 4 at Snettisham RSPB
Wood Sandpiper at North Point Pools, Wells
Turtle Dove in paddocks at Holme

Lady's Island Lake, County Wexford, Ireland

Father’s Day Memories
Happy Father’s Day - happy memories of years gone by – taken outside the family home at Holme. Note my lovely blue Hyundai Coupe sports car, which father always had a job to get into, as it was so low to the ground!

I miss you so much – my thoughts are with you daily. I will never forget your smile, forever etched in my mind xxx

💔  💔  💔

Saturday 20 June 2020

Me, Life, plus Birding At Wells and Cley!

Walsey Hills NOA

For the past week, I haven't been at work. In fact, apart from one short boring walk from my house, I have not left the house or had any contact with another soul since last Sunday. I have been struggling with lots of things and am constantly tired, like really tired. All I want to do is sleep. Its as though someone is pushing my eyelids closed, its the only way to describe it. I have been getting up in the mornings and then falling asleep on the sofa on and off throughout the day. Its been an effort to even make lunch and tea. It all seems such a precious waste of life, but I can't help how things are. Ok, so I'm not good at going to bed early, but I've tried going earlier and it makes no difference to how I'm feeling at the moment. I had a GP appointment by telephone on Monday and I was told that I needed to be signed off for two weeks with "stress", whilst, quote "they get to the bottom of things". The GP requested I have a blood test, which I got booked for Thursday. Meanwhile, it was suggested by one of my senior work colleagues to ring the hospital to speak to someone – they are offering lots of help for staff struggling with the Covid-19 situation, including speaking to a psychologist. I managed to have a lovely chat with a lady called Louise, later on Monday. I ended up in floods of tears and broke down completely – mostly because I was saying how much I missed my mother – I was telling Louise that my mother was my best friend and how I rang her every morning, on the way to work and several times in the evening and throughout the weekend. I miss her terribly. Louise emailed me lots of useful resources and I have a second telephone appointment with her next Friday.

I got the results from the blood test on Friday and all is good, with no signs of why I am fatigued. The only things that showed was the fact that my hormones are out of sink (I know that, due to early hysterectomy at aged 33) and my cholesterol levels were a bit high, no surprise there either! But the doctor did say, that although my cholesterol level was high, the actual ratio was good, as most of my cholesterol was the good type, not the bad type! This doesn't change the fact that I need to eat less! The doctor said that when there are no indicators in the blood, as to why someone feels so tired, they then look at other possibilities. He doesn't think my symptoms are related to low mood or depression, he is thinking that there is a possibility that I have 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome' (ME) and is going to refer me to a clinic, which, is in Great Yarmouth, but he said "with lockdown it will more than likely be a telephone appointment. He also wants to sign me off work for a further two weeks.

I was shocked to see two colleagues I know at the hospital, being waved and clapped out of the hospital as they were leaving, on the QEH Twitter feed last week. They had both been battling Coronavirus in hospital for several weeks! I had no idea they had, so it was a bit of shock to see these videos of Tim and Roger! Thank goodness that they came through and are now returning home!

Mentally, I needed to leave the house today, I needed some serious exercise and a change of scene. I still didn't have the energy to leave until the afternoon though! It would have been nice to stay local and go somewhere like Heacham or Snettisham beaches, but I knew that with so many people here in Norfolk right now, that it would be heaving with unruly dogs and certainly wouldn't have been stress free! Holme reserves are still closed, so can't go there – OK, I could have walked from Thornham Harbour as Vivien and I did a few weeks back, but that would also be heaving with dog walkers on a sunny Saturday afternoon. The most peaceful place I could think was North Point Pools at Wells – so that's where I headed.

It was indeed peaceful, hot but quiet. Birds seen: Wood Sandpipers x 2, lots of Redshanks, a Little Ringed Plover, a Common Buzzard perched on a tree, Avocets, Pied Wagtail, Shelducks, Mallards, Gadwall, Shoveler, a single Spoonbill, Little Egrets x 2, Reed Bunting, Linnets x 2, Goldfinches, Egyptian Geese, Lapwings, Swallows and Swifts and that was about it I think.

I headed east and parked up in the Walsey Hills NOA car park, to look for the Turtle Dove that had just come up on the RBA pager. Sadly I found out later, that the Turtle Dove was not a recent sighting, but had been seen much earlier in the day. I searched Walsey Hills with no sign of bird or 'purring'. I did find a female Blackcap, half way along the now almost overgrown bottom path and saw a Squirrel hanging upside down on the nut feeder! There is so much bracken growing, you can hardly see the bird feeders from the bottom path, which is frustrating, especially when you are short! I also saw a Blue Tit, a Comma Butterfly resting on a reed head and on Snipe's Marsh, a pair of Tufted Ducks, Mallards and a Little Grebe.

Parked up in the East Bank car park. I love walking along here, it was where my parents met, so its very special to me. My aim was to hopefully see some of the gulls feeding offshore, as many others have witnessed over the last couple of days. Bumped into Eddie along the bank, who was just leaving to go home for tea and was returning later, we chatted for a while and I then continued north to the sea! Lots of bees on the thistles either side of the bank and also saw a Peacock Butterfly caterpillar. The temperature was perfect now, warm but not too hot. I walked west a short distance and sat down on the shingle only yards from the edge of the sea. I couldn't believe how many people were fishing – all the way along the beach, left and right of me. I was shocked at how many people were opposite Coastguards, I have never seen so many in that spot before! Eddie told me earlier that people were fishing for Mackerel. It was very therapeutic sitting here on the shingle, watching the waves gently splashing over the edge of the shingle slope. The sea was like a mill pond, which you rarely see at Cley! There was a huge concentration of gulls between Coastguards and myself, but I wasn't able to get any nearer without disturbing them, so I sat and waited and watched. A few of the gulls and terns did come my way and I managed to get some lovely pictures of Sandwich Terns in flight over my head and of Med Gulls fishing in front of me. There were Common Terns as well, along with Black-headed Gulls, Herring Gulls, Little Gulls and also Cormorants flew past on the horizon. The scene before me was idyllic. I closed my eyes and listened to the waves for a while and wished I could stay here forever. The cloud formations were stunning and I took lots of pictures with the iPhone.

I could see that Andy Johnson and Eddie were standing on the shingle, a good distance east from me (opposite the end of East Bank), watching the gulls and terns. Suddenly a Common Scoter came into view, I don't think I have ever seen once this close, but it still wasn't close enough for mint pictures! Then a really interesting thing occurred! A butterfly was fluttering over the sea, directly out in front of me – it carried on flying east until I couldn't see it anymore – obviously I know they migrate, but I can't recall seeing any butterfly over the sea for a very long time! It looked yellowish, but later on it appeared over the shingle and landed in the nearest vegetation at the end of the East bank and turned out to be a Large White butterfly – I'm so glad it made it! The shingle was getting very uncomfortable now, so got up and joined Eddie and Andy. Shortly after this, was when we all saw the butterfly struggling over the shingle and land. There were so many gulls appearing now between here and Coastguards, we decided to go and count them. We all walked back to where I had been sitting for closer views and Eddie and Andy counted 20+ Med Gulls (I didn't have my scope with me), too far for bins. The setting sun was spectacular and we were all taking funky pictures on our phones. A young man walked past us with fishing rod etc and proceeded to walk straight through all the gulls, resulting in their prompt departure, very sadly! Some flew to North Scrape and the others out to sea. So that was the end of that! The sun was still a long way off setting on the longest day of the year!

We walked back along East Bank and saw a Sand Martin and lots of birds on Arnold's Marsh, including a Heron, Black-tailed Godwits, Redshanks, Shelducks, gulls and terns etc. Unfortunately this spectacular afternoon, didn't end well. At the end of the bank, Andy walked to the end, as his car was parked at Walsey Hills. As Eddie and I proceeded to walk down the steps to the car park, 2 black Labradors viciously and unexpectedly stormed up to us and were barking aggressively. They were so quick, it caught us both by the surprise and I gasped with fear (not joking). I know they made Eddie jump too, as he became (understandably) extremely angry with the owners in the car park and a huge exchange of words then ensued. I also pointed out to the couple, the sign that was right in front of them, that clearly reads, that dogs must be on a lead. The reply I got was 'its a car park'. I was most disgruntled when the man of the couple said 'I live in Norfolk, I'm from here' – 'so do I' I said and 'I was born here'. What the hell had that got to do with their dogs not being on leads, I really don't know. It doesn't matter if you live here or not, when a reserve asks for dogs to be on leads, that's what it means, not running round and scaring the hell out of people! The man then asked Eddie if he was from Yorkshire, that didn't go down well!!! I can't repeat the language that was used all round! Eddie left the car park and so did I. I had intended on having my tea here, but decided I would have it elsewhere!

I parked up at a little spot in Cley to photograph some Pyramidal Orchids, that Andy had told me about earlier – there were quite a few and I spent a little while here photographing them. I then headed towards Glandford Bridge, where I saw 'Casper' the wonderful white Barn Owl, that has been around for a while. I turned the car around and parked up in a small pull in area to have my tea. I was shocked to see huge black plumes of smoke in the distance – Eddie then texted to say that Budgens in Holt was on fire!!! Not only was it on fire, it burnt to the ground later – see the link on my Lockdown post today for pictures! Shocking to hear that! Whilst eating my salad tea, I saw the Barn Owl again, along with a Marsh Harrier over the large field. I left here and saw a Tawny Owl flying over the road on the way home. I also counted SIX fire engines racing towards Holt!!! Goodnight!


Forty care homes in Norfolk dealing with coronavirus outbreaks

Holkham Park announces it is reopening

Concerns over fires and barbecues in woodland areas

‘Stunning’ piece of wild coastal scenery up for sale at £500,000

Budgens in Holt engulfed by huge fire

Fire engulfs Budgens at Holt in North Norfolk

Coronavirus: What is a second wave and is one coming?

Coronavirus: Should I start taking vitamin D?

Reading stabbings: Three feared dead after Forbury Gardens attack

Black Lives Matter protests held across England

Greta Thunberg: Climate change 'as urgent' as coronavirus


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Savi's Warbler singing at Thorpe Marshes NWT
Stone Curlew at Winterton Dunes
Wood Sandpiper, Spoonbill at North Point Pools, Wells
Turtle Dove at Snettisham RSPB
Red-footed Falcons x 2, ad.fem + 1s.fem flew inland at Wells
Great White Egret, Garganey at Welney WWT
Osprey at Rockland Broad
Turtle Dove at Walsey Hills NOA
Great White Egrets x 2 at How Hill
Caspian Gull at Cromer
Spotted Redshank at Hickling Broad NWT
Marsh Warbler recently, in garden at Hemsby


Friday 19 June 2020


New £4.8m cancer centre to be built in North Norfolk

‘The difference between life and death’ - Plea to park sensibly after drivers obstruct emergency vehicles

Hundreds made redundant as Bertram Books files for administration

‘Croissants and Norfolk tea’: Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit businesses to show support

New Norfolk care home to open on Monday

Don’t wait for funding before pledging land to nature, farmers urged

All children in England 'back to school in September'

UK's Covid-19 alert level reduced from four to three

Alicia Keys, LL Cool J and the new wave of protest songs


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Savi's Warbler singing at Thorpe Marshes NWT
Caspian Gull, Little Gulls x 6, Mediterranean Gulls x 85 at Cley
Spotted Redshanks x 2, Spoonbills x 4, Little Gulls x 7 at Cley NWT
Spotted Redshank, Spoonbills x 2, Great White Egret at North Point Pools, Wells
Spoonbills x 3 flew past Hemsby
Great White Egret, Garganey at Welney WWT
CASPIAN TERN still, Spoonbills x 9 at Potter Heigham Marshes
Turtle Doves x 2 at Burnham Norton

The Snook, Holy Island, Northumberland

Thursday 18 June 2020


Do not lower your guard over coronavirus, Norfolk public health boss warns

Disappointment as last minute route change sees Red Arrows bypass Norfolk

Norwich taxi driver screams for help during brutal ‘racial’ attack

UK virus-tracing app switches to Apple-Google model

Coronavirus: 'Outbreak' reports in Leicester and Cleckheaton

Coronavirus: Almost 100 staff at food factories test positive

Coronavirus: Care home creates garden visits

Nurse Neomi Bennett 'racially profiled' in arrest

Dalai Lama: Seven billion people 'need a sense of oneness'


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
House Finch on Sunday in garden at North Walsham

Savi's Warbler singing at Thorpe Marshes NWT
Great White Egret, Garganey at Welney WWT
Wood Sandpiper at North Point Pools, Wells
Spoonbill flew over Wells
Caspian Gulls x 2, Little Gulls x 4 at Cley
Rannoch Looper Moth in garden, last night Norwich
Marsh Warbler singing at Rockland and Hellington Community NR, Rockland St Mary
Little Gulls x 3 at Hopton-on-Sea
Great White Egret at Hickling Broad NWT
Spoonbills x 3 flew over Blakeney Freshmarsh
Spoonbills x 9 at Potter Heigham Marshes

The Snook, Holy Island, Northumberland

Dame Vera Lynn: Forces' Sweetheart dies aged 103

A British Icon

Rest in Peace, until we all meet again

Dame Vera Lynn obituary

Dame Vera Lynn dies, aged 103

British icon and multiple record breaker Dame Vera Lynn dies aged 103

Dame Vera Lynn – Royal British Legion

Dame Very Lynn, dies aged 103, her family say 

Dame Vera Lynn’s death – Queen to send private message of condolence to family of Forces’ Sweetheart

Dame Vera Lynn: A voice that spanned decades

Obituary: Dame Vera Lynn, a symbol of resilience and hope

Wednesday 17 June 2020


Norfolk hospitals reveal the number of people still being treated for coronavirus

Fire service barbecue warning following stables blaze

Out of control dogs kill three cygnets on Norfolk nature reserve

Red Arrows in Norfolk Tomorrow!

Rayshard Brooks shooting: US policeman faces murder charge

Coronavirus: What is dexamethasone and how does it work?

Premier League players take knee in solidarity with Black Lives Matter movement

How our brains are processing the pandemic


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Savi's Warbler singing at Thorpe Marshes NWT
Great White Egret, Garganey at Welney WWT
Spoonbills x 7 at Ken Hill Marsh, Snettisham
Turtle Doves x 3 at Snettisham RSPB
Spoonbills x 8 at Potter Heigham Marshes
Spoonbills x 3 on Broadwater at Holme
Rose-coloured Starling flew over Sheffield Road, Wymondham
Great White Egret north of sewage works at Wymondham
Turtle Dove at Salthouse Heath
Little Gull, Spoonbill at Cley NWT
Caspian Gull at Cromer

The Snook, Holy Island, Northumberland
In garden, Lerwick, Shetland

Tuesday 16 June 2020


Three new coronavirus-related deaths at Norfolk hospitals

Prince William praises Norfolk hospital staff during first lockdown visit

RAF Lakenheath airman who died following North Sea crash named

Group warns beach-goers not to touch seals over potential toxins

Region could be hit by torrential rain, thunderstorms and flooding, forecasters warn

Pensthorpe announces date for reopening

Coronavirus: Dexamethasone proves first life-saving drug

Flushing 'can propel viral infection 3ft into air'

Prince Charles's sense of smell and taste still not back

Twelve weeks on I can't kick Covid exhaustion

Rashford 'grateful' for Boris Johnson free school meals U-turn

A Street Cat Named Bob: Stray who inspired series of books dies


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Marsh Warbler singing at Walsey Hills NOA
Savi's Warbler singing at Thorpe Marshes NWT
Spoonbills x 3 at Potter Heigham Marshes
Spoonbills x 3 on Broadwater at Holme
Common Cranes x 5 at Buckenham Marshes RSPB
Garganey at Welney WWT
Little Gull, Spoonbills x 2 at Cley NWT
Turtle Doves x 5, Spoonbills x 3 at South Beach, Heacham
CASPIAN TERN at Hickling Broad NWT
Turtle Dove singing at East Ruston Common
Black Redstart in Norwich

The Snook, Holy Island, Northumberland
Fair Isle, Shetland

RBA Weekly Round-Up 9th to 15th June!

By Jon Dunn

Monday 15 June 2020


Anmer Call – Prince William rings mother and young son who are shielding

Day one of face coverings sees “vast majority” adhering to measures

Face coverings compulsory on public transport in England

Long queues as many King's Lynn shops re-open after lockdown

Shoppers rush to the High Street as England stores reopen

Coronavirus: Beijing tightens controls amid spike in local cases

Borders reopen across Europe as coronavirus restrictions ease

Pilot of crashed RAF Lakenheath fighter jet found dead 


UK Coronavirus
Deaths: 41,736
Total Confirmed Cases: 296,857


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Marsh Warbler singing at Walsey Hills NOA
Savi's Warbler singing at Thorpe Marshes NWT
CASPIAN TERN, Spoonbills x 4, Garganey at Potter Heigham Marshes
Turtle Dove at Salthouse
Turtle Doves x 3 at New Buckenham Common
Spoonbills x 2 at Snettisham Coastal Park
Spoonbills x 6 on Broadwater at Holme
Garganey, Great White Egret at Welney WWT

The Snook, Holy Island, Northumberland

Sunday 14 June 2020

Marsh Warbler at Walsey Hills NOA!

Marsh Warbler singing in Snipe's Marsh, Walsey Hills NOA

King's Lynn was boiling hot, muggy and airless. It was a complete contrast on the coast, which was a huge relief! I headed east and arrived in Cley. I bought a piece of Pear & Ginger Cake from Cley Deli – yummy! Headed to Coastguards for the first time since before lockdown. It was so lovely to be driving along Beach Road. However, the scene at the car park was not joyous at all – packed solid with cars and motorbikes and more rubbish than I have seen here before and dodgy looking loo paper – FFS!!! What is wrong with people?! WHY can't people take their rubbish home with them, its so simple! I was sitting enjoying my salad lunch with my car door open, when a huge motorhome turned up – a woman got out of the vehicle and asked me to close my door, so they could drive into the space "but I need to be able to get in and out of my car, so I don't need to close my door" I replied very sternly. Why the hell should I shut my door and then have to squeeze out, after they have parked up too close to me?! So they did squeeze their massive motorhome in and my view was immediately obstructed. After they parked up, they needed to open a side door and the man said "sorry I need to open this, can you close your door?". I slammed my door shut. Got out of my car and walked across the shingle to look at the sea briefly – the sea-watching shelter wreaked of urine on the east side, absolutely disgusting! I returned to my car and promptly left. Everything has changed now.

I spent a long time at Walsey Hills this afternoon listening to the wonderful Marsh Warbler, but only saw it once. You needed to be at least 8ft tall to get any photographs or very lucky if it came near – it didn't! I didn't get any photos, but did manage to get a nice photo of a juv. Cetti's Warbler. Very few birders here now, so social distancing wasn't an issue. Two scary looking dogs, all by themselves with no sign of owners appeared, running along the little path down to the reeds where I was standing with Mike E. plus his wife – I shouted "please keep your dogs under control" – I didn't hear the reply, but after the dogs ran right up to me, they returned to the main path. Isn't it funny (not) that some, note I say 'some' dog owners seem to be worse than before lockdown. I don't think many of them have read the Goverment Covid rules, which states that ALL dogs must be on a lead or under close control currently. Most dogs seem to be off leads and out of control!!! No dogs should be closer than 6ft to anyone else either – people are not getting this at all!

Gramborough Hill at Salthouse produced John F., plus a lovely local family from Salthouse, 3 Dunlin, 2 Ringed Plovers and 2 Avocets on the pool west of the hill. The scrub around the hill produced a Whitethroat, Goldfinches, Meadow Pipits and Stonechats. Sand Martins were skimming over the hill as I sat and pondered for a while. Walked down over the shingle to gaze into the waves and contemplate life and what I was going to do with the rest of it. Norfolk is not a good place right now, not if you want to be in solitude with beautiful rubbish free countryside. Yellow horned-poppies adorned the shingle slopes at Gramborough.

Returned to Walsey Hills and bumped into Eddie who was just leaving – he had waited 45 minutes for the Marsh Warbler to show and had only seen it once. The Marsh Warbler has not been showing very much at all, probably due to the foggy, gloomy and cooler weather. I did manage to get a distant shot from the main path, looking over a bramble bush into the reedbed – the picture looks like a watercolour painting, in other words it was blurry and out of focus! I also took a video (no bird though!) of it singing. I returned to my car and had a coffee. A pair of Pochard with 2 young were on Snipe's Marsh, along with Mallards and Little Grebes. I left here at 9.20pm!


No new coronavirus deaths in Norfolk hospitals

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Blue and Gold Macaw Missing – Reward!

Concerns raised for wildlife after weeds removed from West Norfolk village pond

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Woman hatches ducks from Waitrose eggs

Solar Orbiter: Europe's Sun mission makes first close pass

Coronavirus: What shops will open next?

Coronavirus: Who should wear a face mask or face covering?


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Savi's Warbler, Corncrake singing at Thorpe Marshes NWT
Marsh Warbler singing at Walsey Hills NOA
Turtle Dove, Garganey x 2, Spoonbills x 2 at South Marsh, Heacham
CASPIAN TERN, Spoonbills x 4 at Potter Heigham Marshes
Curlew Sandpiper, Spoonbills x 3 at Cley NWT
Osprey flew over at Hickling Broad NWT
Black Redstart in Norwich
Corncrake, Garganey, Great White Egret at Welney WWT

Cemlyn Bay, Anglesey
West of Kinvarra, at Inishroo, County Galway, Ireland
SSW of Cape Clear Island from RV Celtic Explorer, County Cork, Ireland

Saturday 13 June 2020


Saturday 13th June 1992 – 28 years ago I got married and my dear father walked me down the aisle at St Mary's Church in Holme – it was a hot sunny day, as today was. Anyway, that sadly all ended in 2000. Enough about that!

Today a Marsh Warbler was found by RGM at Walsey Hills NOA, so fascinating...... exactly seven years ago, one was found in the exact same spot, well the 12th to be exact!

My sisters and I met up today for the first time since 10th March, just over three months ago! Vivien and I bought some nice food from M&S and then we all met up in Lucy's car park and walked with our deckchairs, 6ft apart to The Walks in King's Lynn for a picnic lunch. None of us wanted to be there, it was full of people and most dogs were off leads and all bounding up to us, which got me pretty cross. There is nowhere else we can all meet up. We are not allowed to take Lucy out in our cars, so we are totally limited by how far Lucy can walk, and there is nowhere else even half decent to walk to. Large groups of people walking around the park and not walking 6ft apart. Dogs running everywhere – funny that, some dog owners should really read the Covid-19 dog rules, which state all dogs must be on a lead in public or under control – that's a joke!

We sat by the river in a shady spot as it was extremely hot today. Nuthatches were calling and a Blackcap was singing. Black-headed Gulls were overhead, Squirrels played by a large yew tree next to us and birds of the day were two Goldcrests, who appeared only yards away from us in the yew tree branches, which Lucy and Vivien were both fascinated by. Speckled Wood and Peacock Butterflies also seen and there were some fish in the river. We sat and enjoyed our lunch and stayed there for almost three hours. Walked back to Lucy's, where we all then departed. I realised I had missed seeing a Marsh Warbler at Walsey Hills, but it was now after 4pm and it was seriously hot, so spent the rest of the evening chilling at home.

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