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Thursday 29 April 2021
Wednesday 28 April 2021
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Tuesday 27 April 2021
Burnham Overy Dunes, Gun Hill, Holkham & Beyond!
It felt exciting to be walking along the track to Burnham Overy Dunes, I can't remember the last time I came here! In the field just west of the first stile, there were 2 Song Thrushes and several Blackbirds. A Willow Warbler was singing and Sedge Warblers seemed to be popping up everywhere! Several Whitethroats were in the brambles along with Chiffchaffs, Linnets, Long-tailed Tits, Robin and Hedge Sparrows. Over the marsh there were 3 Marsh Harriers, a Common Buzzard, Red Kite and my first Swift of the Spring flew across reedbeds, along with hundreds of other Swallows, Sand Martins and House Martins, some of which landed to rest on the marsh, which was fascinating to watch! In the large field east of the track, there were 5 Ring Ouzels feeding around a large bramble (Ashley S. had seen 6 earlier) and some Starlings in the far corner. Other birds seen: Heron, Blackcaps, Cetti's Warbler, Pochard, Redshanks, Reed Buntings, Brent Geese, Skylarks and Meadow Pipits. I also spotted a tiny fluffy Lapwing chick with parents out in the middle of the marsh.
out to Burnham Overy Dunes
At the end of the boardwalk, I found a Chiffchaff and 2 Goldfinches in the apple tree, but no other birds seen in the scrub. A Red Kite was flying just above my head, but the light was very poor, so rubbish pictures. Shortly after this, the sun came out for a while. I walked west to Gun Hill. On route I found a Sandwasp, a male Stonechat and 2 Wheatears. I sat at the most western end of Gun Hill, just outside the roped off area to have a coffee and something to eat. I spent a while here, watching Meadow Pipits, Linnets and 2 Wheatears. The Red Kite (or a different one) was upsetting the waders in the harbour. Saw a few Sanderling here too and a Little Egret. Walked back east to the boardwalk and apple tree and then continued east through the dunes.
I found a Wheatear and a Small Copper butterfly. Spent a while searching for migrants in the dunes, before I reached Holkham Pines, but it seemed everything had now gone quiet. Walking along the track through the pines I found a Speckled Wood butterfly. Cetti's Warblers were singing and several Blackcaps seen and heard, but nothing else of note. A couple earlier, had told me they had seen a Common Crane on the pools, seen from the wooden ramp up to Washington Hide (closed), but it wasn't on view when I looked. On the lawn of Meals House there was a Blackbird and a Robin feeding. It was lovely walking along the track through the pines and hardly passed anyone at all. After finding out the Lynx bus service leaves the bus stop at Holkham at 41 minutes past the hour, I had to speed walk along Lady Anne's Drive to catch the 15.41 bus to Burnham Overy (back to my car). I made it with 5 minutes to spare! Unbeknown to me at this point, I found out later that Common Crane was on view just east of here! The bus was punctual, but the driver was grumpy and said "you want me to drop on the dangerous corner by the junction?" "anywhere close will be fine" I said. It was worth £2 to save me walking all the way back to my car! Collapsed in the car and had lunch. It was spitting with rain and felt much colder now.
I then decided to visit another favourite place and went to Garden Drove at Warham Greens. Parked up on the concrete pad and walked along the track to the copse and back again. Sadly this only produced a single Chiffchaff. Also saw a Red Kite and a Kestrel. The pigs and units are now on the eastern side/field of the track – I've only ever seen them on the west side/field.
Checked out the paddocks at Morston Quay, no sign of the Ring Ouzel, but several Blackbirds, 2 Song Thrushes and Jackdaws. Also stopped at The House On The Hill at Blakeney, but no birds seen here at all.
Parked a few yards along Beach Road at Cley to look at lots of cows and sadly no Blue-headed or Yellow Wagtails (seen earlier by other lucky birders). Walked along the track past the cows and up as far as the spot where the Grasshopper Warbler was, opposite the visitor centre, but no luck with that. Saw House Sparrows, 2 Greenfinches and several Goldfinches. Returned to my car.
Parked up at Salthouse and walked along the Iron Road to view the pool just west of the track and saw a Little Ringed Plover, Shelducks, Redshanks, Avocets, a Heron, Oystercatchers and a pair of Shovelers. It was now 7pm. A campervan was parked next to my car and was frying up sausages and bacon on a gas stove in the back of the van.
Parked up at Walsey Hills NOA to have a coffee. On Snipe's Marsh, there were a pair of Tufted Ducks, Pochard, Mallards, Coots and Greylag Geese. It started to rain and I headed home at around 7.30pm. An exciting day initially, but deteriorated as the day progressed!
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Monday 26 April 2021
"Sunny Hunny" With Vivien!
I had a lovely day with Vivien in Hunstanton. Sadly, Lucy is not allowed in our cars yet, which is beyond frustrating, so we had to keep quiet about our meet up, as understandably this would have made her very disappointed that she couldn't join us. We met and parked up by the lighthouse and sat in deckchairs on the clifftop and had a coffee. We walked through the cliff top gardens and then broke my diet and got a portion of chips from Fisher's!!! My goodness they tasted good! I had bought a vege sausage roll with me and Vivien bought sausage and chips – neither of us felt like having fish. We sat in the shelters with seats on the front – it was so lovely here. Some Sage was out in bloom, bees were humming and a House Sparrow, female Blackbird and a Starling enjoyed some of our lunch. We lazily sat here for ages chatting and watching the world go by. Vivien amusingly remarked that 'old' people sat here and did this and then pointed out that we were old people now! OK, yes we are!
Oh dear....... we then bought a 99 ice-cream with flake and walked miles along the Promenade, past the fairground and to Heacham and back! Lots of huge signs all the way along, stating that no dogs are allowed on Hunstanton beach between the 10th April until 31st October – there were obviously lots of dog owners that needed to visit Specsavers!!! Dogs running everywhere on the beach, off leads, disturbing Oystercatchers on the shore etc. Vivien got worried, as she could see I was thinking about saying something to some of the dog owners, but I decided against as I would have got tons of abuse, wasn't worth the hassle!
We reminisced about
our time here as children and I how much it had changed. I remember our
mother taking all three of us on a boat at the huge boating lake, that
used to be there! The roller skating rink has been replaced by the big
'Slippery Dip' and there are no more donkey rides for children! It was
also very sad to see that the playground equipment has all been removed
from the area next to the little cafe on the cliff top gardens (opposite
the fish pond) and has been replaced by a seating and planted area. I
bet it was to do with health and safety as all the play equipment was on
Took some fabulous arty farty photos of the Helter Skelter. Our grandmother 'Hess' (father's mother) used to take us to the fair ground and it cost 8p to go on the Helter Skelter! She also knew the man that ran the Helter Skelter and we had lots of extra fee rides. I have very clear memories of walking to the top and sliding down on a rope type mat – happy days!
We walked past the Sailing Club and on to Hunstanton Cliffs. Spent a while taking some flight shots of the Fulmars gliding round the cliffs and then walked back along the cliff top to our cars and had a coffee in our deckchairs, before we both returned home. I have been so good with my diet the entire time until today, so hopefully it might not be too bad on my Wednesday weigh in!
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Sunday 25 April 2021
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Cley NWT and Salthouse!
Today didn't go too well really and dipped on a couple of birds! It was also FREEZING! Even with all my thermals on. Lots of birders were complaining how much colder it was today. Anyway, it won't take long to write today's post!
Arrived at CleySpy to drop off (as arranged) the person's lens cap that I found at North Point Pools, recently and then went to Walsey Hills NOA. At last, I got to meet Warden Emma Buck! It was lovely meeting her and we chatted for a while about past and present etc and I congratulated her on the new pond, which is looking fabulous. Emma rang a Goldfinch and Greenfinch whilst I was there. No stonking male Ring Ouzels today (see yesterday's picture). Walked around Walsey Hills and didn't see anything of note really, apart from a Chiffchaff calling. Swallows were skimming over Arnold's Marsh. Bumped into Chris S., Ian and Richard along the bottom path, who very kindly told me about a very showy Grasshopper Warbler close by.
Parked up at the back of the Cley NWT Visitor Centre car park and sat in my deckchair and had some late lunch. Walked to see the Grasshopper Warbler along the NWT footpath (next to the A149) and neither sight or sound of it!!! But, to my surprise I had a Wheatear flying north across the path over the reedbed and then another seconds afterwards! Bumped into Lin P. here also, which was nice. Gave up with the Grasshopper Warbler and returned to my car. I was just going to head to Gramborough Hill, when a message appeared on the pager about a Black Redstart in Cross Street, Salthouse! Fabulous, so off I went.
In Cross Street, I saw a birder standing with scope overlooking a yard area, opposite the village hall and guessed this must be where the Black Redstart was, but decided to turn the car around first and ended spending about 5 minutes checking the top horse paddocks for Ring Ouzels – none found and then drove back down Cross Street and parked in a sensible place. I joined the man with the scope, who had kindly waited for the next birder to arrive, to point out where he had seen the Black Redstart – he showed me a lovely picture he had taken on his camera of the bird, sitting on a low wall. I fully expected to see the Black Redstart, but alas I didn't! Neither did anyone else that joined me. I searched around other gardens, walls and buildings, around the churchyard etc, as did a few others. Nothing. It was incredibly cold, so was probably sheltering in the warmest garden on offer. Robin, Blackbird, Greenfinches and Goldfinches seen here.
I left and then joined Eddie and Ian to look for birds at the scrape/pool off the Iron Road at Salthouse, where Eddie pointed out a White Wagtail, which was nice (he had three altogether after I left). Also some Ruff there too. I left and went to Beach Road, Salthouse. Sat and had a coffee and something to eat and was going to walk to Gramborough Hill, but it was so cold I couldn't be bothered.
Returned to the Cley NWT Visitor Centre car park and tried again for the Grasshopper Warbler. Initially there was only silence, then Eddie joined me and the Grasshopper Warbler starting reeling– it was very close to the path, but it didn't show! Why should I expect it be singing conveniently at the top of a stem or bramble for me to see and photograph in this bitterly cold weather! Sensibly, it was low somewhere in a small bramble!
I stopped at Morston Quay briefly, no sign of the Ring Ouzel that I saw on Friday, but the Whimbrel was still there. No other birds were feeding on the field at all, all sensibly retired for the night! Time to go home!
Saturday 24 April 2021
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Hardwick Cemetery: Fieldfare, Black Bunny & Lynn Point!
In the south Cemetery (opposite side of the road) I found a Song Thrush
sitting in a tree, more Blackbirds and Goldfinches. There were several
cute bunnies running around and just as I was leaving a black one
appeared! Of course the black bunny would not pose by daffodils or on
some nice green grass, but at the base of a hedge, but at least I got a
The Fisherfleet and the docks produced lots of Herring Gulls, Redshanks and Mallards. Lynn Point itself, produced nothing of note at all, but did cover my entire car in lovely white dust from the track! I was hoping the paddocks at the far end might produce some Ring Ouzels, but no luck with that. There's always tomorrow!
Friday 23 April 2021
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